Fragments of regret

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In the stillness of the night, she weeps alone, 
Her heart heavy with burdens of her own. 
Whispers of doubt, like shadows, creep, 
As she watches her daughters, lost in sleep.

Their faces, once filled with trust and light, 
Now bear the weight of her silent fight. 
In every smile, she sees a trace 
Of the pain she couldn't erase.

She dreamed of guiding them with care, 
Nurturing their dreams, teaching them to dare. 
But somewhere along the winding road, 
She stumbled, faltered, dropped her load.

Each mistake a scar upon her soul, 
Each misstep taking its toll. 
She feels the weight of expectations unmet, 
A mother drowning in her own regret.

She longs to turn back time, to try again, 
To mend the fractures, to ease the pain. 
But time, relentless, marches on, 
Leaving behind what's broken and gone.

Her daughters, she fears, may never see 
The love that lies within her, free. 
For all they know is what she's shown— 
A woman haunted, a mother alone.

Yet still, she holds onto hope's faint thread, 
That somehow, someway, they'll find instead 
The strength to forgive, to understand 
That she did the best she could, as a mother, as planned.

For in her failures lie lessons learned, 
In her weaknesses, bridges burned. 
And though she may feel she's fallen short, 
Her love for them remains a strong

  And though she may feel she's fallen short,  Her love for them remains a strong

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