Mr Wrong

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He walked in with a charming smile,
A heart that seemed so free of guile.
His words like honey, smooth and sweet,
A perfect man, my heart's heartbeat.

Eyes that sparkled, promises grand,
He held my dreams within his hand.
I thought I'd found the one at last,
The future bright, forget the past.

But slowly, cracks began to show,
In shadows where the truth would grow.
A temper hidden in disguise,
A darkness lurking in his eyes.

Sweet words turned bitter, sharp with blame,
A love that played a cruel game.
The gentle touch became a shove,
The warmth replaced with cold above.

The man I thought was pure and true,
Revealed his lies, his twisted view.
Control and power were his aims,
Turning love to ruthless games.

He whispered love but acted hate,
Manipulation sealed my fate.
Promises now hollowed out,
Leaving only fear and doubt.

His charm, a mask he wore so well,
A facade that led to living hell.
Mr. Right became Mr. Wrong,
A sad refrain, a broken song.

Yet in the depths, I found my voice,
To stand up tall, to make a choice.
To walk away, reclaim my light,
To find the strength within my fight.

For Mr. Wrong came in disguised,
But truth is found in open eyes.
Bye bye Mr wrong.

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