Who am i

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I stand at dawn, beneath the wide sky,
A young woman with eyes full of wonder.
Dreams and hopes, like morning mist,
Wrap around my thoughts, tangled and ethereal.

I walk paths both wide and narrow,
My steps searching for meaning
In the shadows.

In the crowd, I feel apart,
An aching void in my heart,
Unseen yet felt.

I try on roles,
Dresses new and unfamiliar,
None fitting quite right,
None true to my essence.

My spirit, wild and tethered,
Longs to soar,
To find my own light.

Books and songs,
Whispers soft,
Promise truths not yet unlocked.

I yearn for my own melody,
Beneath the sun, under the moon,
A tune uniquely mine.

My heart, a compass spinning,
Points to places still unknown.

In stories old,
In whispered secrets,
I seek myself,
A deeper truth concealed.

In the mirror, a face I see,
A reflection of questions,
Of belief in something more,
Beyond what eyes reveal.

I am the dawn,
The morning dew,
A promise of life yet to be.

In not knowing,
I find grace,
A journey to discover
My place.

With each step, my path unfolds,
Each unknown a kept promise.

I am the question,
The quest,
A young woman becoming free.

I am the question,The quest,A young woman becoming free

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