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Sophie's embarrassment faded as she caught the twinkle in Ealdred's eyes, realizing he wasn't there to judge but rather to share a light moment. "Well, I guess it does keep things interesting," she responded, matching his light tone.

Ealdred nodded, his expression turning slightly more serious. "Indeed, every challenge you overcome not only proves your capability but also builds your resilience. It's impressive to watch."

Feeling a bit more relaxed now that the initial awkwardness was out of the way, Sophie shifted the topic slightly. "How about you? Do you have any assessments coming up, or are you just here to watch others get grilled?" she asked with a playful grin.

Ealdred laughed, the sound warm in the cool air of the arena. "I have my share of challenges, though today I was merely an observer. It's part of my role to understand how others handle pressure and adapt. It helps in my training as well."

Their conversation flowed naturally, the earlier tension dissolving into mutual respect and understanding. As they walked together toward the exit of the arena, Sophie felt a sense of camaraderie with Ealdred, grateful for his presence and the unexpected support.

"Thank you for the encouragement," Sophie said as they reached the doors. "It really does make a difference knowing there are friendly faces around."

Ealdred smiled warmly, his eyes conveying genuine kindness. "You're welcome, Sophie. Remember, we're all here to grow and learn, not just in skills but as individuals. How about I walk you to your quarters? It's getting late."

As they walked toward Sophie's dorm, a flutter of excitement stirred within her—was she developing a crush on Ealdred? Internally, she scolded herself, determined not to fall for him or anyone else in this world. She wasn't planning to stay long, and a romantic relationship seemed impractical.

How are you feeling about the academy so far?"

Caught up in her internal battle, Sophie hadn't realized Ealdred was speaking to her. She snapped back to reality, slightly embarrassed. "Oh, uh, yes, it's been great, really eye-opening," she stumbled over her words, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

Ealdred noticed her distraction and couldn't help but find her reaction amusing. He smiled, making Sophie even more self-conscious but also a bit more relaxed in his presence.

"I'll see you around, and good luck with tomorrow's assessment," he said as they reached her dorm entrance.

"Thank you, Ealdred. See you," Sophie replied, her thoughts still swirling as they parted ways. As she approached her dorm, a group of girls abruptly stepped in front of her, their expressions unfriendly and their postures confrontational.

"So you're Sophie, the one who beat Georgina," one of the girls stated coldly, her tone laced with disdain. "You should know your place and stay away from Ealdred. He's off-limits to newcomers like you. Got it?"

Caught off guard by the aggressive warning, Sophie felt a mix of irritation and disbelief. Despite her efforts to remain uninvolved, it seemed that her victory over Georgina had inadvertently drawn more attention than she'd wanted, complicating her interactions within the academy.

Sophie stood there for a moment, processing the hostile greeting. As the group of girls dispersed with pointed looks, she couldn't help but reflect on her earlier internal debate about keeping her distance from any romantic entanglements, especially with Ealdred. "Talk about the law of attraction manifesting instantly," she thought wryly to herself. Just when she had decided to avoid any complications, this confrontation seemed like a direct response to her thoughts, pulling her deeper into the very drama she intended to steer clear of.

Shaking her head slightly, amused yet exasperated at the irony, Sophie turned and pushed through the door to her dorm.

Upon entering the room, Sophie found it unusually quiet; Pita was nowhere to be seen. She made her way to her corner, where she noticed several items neatly arranged on her table. Curiously, she approached and found a variety of things—from clothes and shoes to an assortment of personal care items, all thoughtfully picked out. Among them was a note, written in an elegant hand.

As she picked up the letter and read through it, she discovered it was from Lady Elowen. The note explained that these items were essentials Lady Elowen believed Sophie might need during her stay at the academy. There was a reassuring tone to the words, with Lady Elowen expressing her intention to ensure Sophie felt as comfortable and supported as possible.

The letter also mentioned that if Sophie needed anything else, she could simply send a note back to the manor. Furthermore, Lady Elowen outlined that at the end of each month, Sophie would have the option to return to the manor for a weekend, allowing her a break and a chance to reconnect with her new friends and mentors at the Gardwyn residence.

Sophie set the letter down, touched by the thoughtfulness and the familial care Lady Elowen extended towards her. This gesture made the academy feel a little more like a home away from home, providing a comforting bridge back to the manor and the supportive environment she had started to appreciate. With a small smile, Sophie began to unpack the items, feeling a renewed sense of belonging and determination to make the most of her time at the academy.

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