Unforeseen Paths

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As the fluttering map settled to the ground, Sophie's eyes adjusted to the figure before her, and recognition dawned—Ealdred. He looked just as surprised as she felt, a hint of amusement soon playing at the edges of his expression.

"Ever the explorer, art thou not?" Ealdred teased with a light-hearted chuckle as he bent to help her gather the scattered map.

Sophie offered a sheepish smile, the frustration of getting lost melting away in the face of his familiar presence. "Yeah, seems like I'm always on some epic quest to nowhere," she quipped back in her distinctly American slang, accepting the map he handed her.

Ealdred straightened, his eyes twinkling with amusement at her response. "This labyrinth is no match for the uninitiated, indeed. Shall I escort thee to thy dormitory?" he offered, his tone both friendly and slightly formal.

"That'd be great, thanks. I'm supposed to head to my dorm, but this place is like a giant puzzle," Sophie replied, grateful for his offer.

"Yes, what a coincidence to find you here today," Ealdred remarked as they began walking. "I knew you were going to join the academy, but it's fortunate that we ran into each other so soon."

"You're not just here by coincidence, are you?" Sophie ventured, curious about his presence in the halls.

Ealdred responded with a chuckle, "No, it's not just a coincidence. I'm also a student here at the academy. It's not only for realm crossers; we Navarians, especially those of us preparing for significant roles within the kingdom, are encouraged to study here as well."

As they continued through the halls, Ealdred shared his knowledge of the academy, explaining how the institution blends traditional learning with leadership preparation vital for those preparing to take on significant roles. Sophie listened with growing interest, her initial apprehension giving way to intrigue at the comprehensive approach the academy took in educating both realm crossers and native Navarians.

As they walked further, Sophie couldn't help but notice the glances Ealdred was receiving from many of the female students they passed. It was almost comical—like something out of an anime, with girls seemingly having hearts in their eyes, their gazes lingering on him a little too long. The realization made Sophie stifle a laugh.

Taking a closer look at Ealdred as they moved through the crowded hallways, Sophie saw him in a new light. He carried himself with an effortless grace and a confidence that was almost regal, reminiscent of a prince from a medieval movie. His demeanor and the way he interacted with others—polite, yet assertive—added to this noble air.

Sophie mused to herself, "He really does have a princely aura about him, doesn't he?" This thought gave her a deeper appreciation of why he might draw such attention. It wasn't just his position within the Gardwyn family; Ealdred possessed a charismatic presence that naturally made him the center of attention.

As they approached the residential section of the academy, Ealdred turned to Sophie, his voice breaking her train of thought. "Pray, what number beareth thy chamber?" he asked, looking down at her with a slight smile.

Caught off guard and realizing she had been lost in her observations of him, Sophie blushed slightly. "Oh, um, let me check," she stammered, suddenly aware that she had been unwittingly mirroring the same admiring glances she had just silently critiqued in others. Fumbling through her belongings, she searched for the key Peregrina had given her earlier.

After a moment of rummaging through her bag, Sophie found the key with a small tag indicating the room number. "It's room 418," she announced, holding the key up slightly as proof that she'd finally located it.

Ealdred nodded, "Ah, that's on the top floor, room 418," he corrected himself, pointing towards the staircase at the end of the corridor. "I shall escort thee to thy door, to ensure thou dost not lose thy way again," he added, his voice tinged with a gentle tease.

Sophie laughed, grateful for his company. As they approached the staircase, she realized her room was located at the very end of the top floor, a somewhat secluded spot. Internally, she groaned, thinking, *Of course, the furthest one. It figures.*

Noticing her hesitation, Ealdred explained, "You were enrolled a bit late, and often, the less favorable rooms are what remain for latecomers. But don't worry, every room within these walls has its own charm and quiet, which you might come to appreciate."

As they reached her room, Ealdred paused at the door and turned to Sophie. "Here we are. Make sure to take some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow," he advised kindly. "I should be going now."

Sophie nodded, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you, Ealdred, truly. For everything today."

Sophie used the ancient-style key to unlock her door, admiring its quaint design. "If only my phone had battery, this would definitely be social media worthy," she thought, amused by the key's ornate appearance.

Turning the key in the lock, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, only to stop short. To her surprise, the room was already occupied. It appeared that each room was shared between two students, providing ample space yet maintaining a level of privacy.

The girl inside looked to be about her age, but there was something distinctly unique about her presence. She had an aura reminiscent of Wednesday from the Addams Family—mysterious and slightly intense. Sophie cleared her throat gently, not wanting to startle her new roommate. "Hi, I'm Sophie," she introduced herself, eager to make a good first impression despite the unexpected encounter.

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