The Candidates

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As the dawn light stretched across the vast open field of the kingdom, the air thrummed with heightened anticipation. Today marked a pivotal moment in Navaria's history: the official announcement of the candidates for the selection trials. This field, traditionally the site for the grandest festivals in Navarian history, now hosted an event of monumental importance. Not only the entire academy, from eager young students to revered masters, but also to citizens from all levels of Navarian society gathered around the massive stage erected for the occasion, creating a vibrant tapestry of the kingdom's populace. Everyone was present, ready to witness the beginning of a new chapter in the kingdom's storied legacy.
The selection event was to be hosted by the esteemed elders of Navaria, who stood as symbols of wisdom and tradition, and it was King Solarius himself who would mark the start of the selection. As the crowd settled, a hush fell over the vast field, anticipation palpable in the air.

At the appointed hour, King Solarius emerged onto the stage, his presence commanding immediate attention. He was clad in ceremonial robes, reflecting the solemnity of the occasion. The assembly fell silent as the king stood.

"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Navaria," the King began, his voice resonant and clear, carrying across the open field. "Today, we stand united as we embark on a tradition steeped in our nation's history—the selection of those who will vie to demonstrate their worthiness to lead. This sacred rite tests not only the strength and intelligence of our finest citizens but their heart and dedication to our kingdom."

With a solemn nod to the elders beside him, King Solarius continued, "It is my honor to officially commence these trials." He then turned to a large, ornately carved bell set beside him on the stage. Lifting the heavy striker, he rang the bell, its deep, resonant tone echoing through the field, signifying the formal start of the selection trials.

Elder Caius stepped forward, his presence dignified and his voice carrying across the field with authority and respect.

"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Navaria," Elder Caius began, his tone imbuing the moment with the weight it deserved. "Today, we gather to witness and support those chosen to participate in our sacred selection trials. These individuals have been chosen not just for their skills or lineage, but for their potential to lead and serve the kingdom in times of both prosperity and challenge."

He paused, allowing his words to resonate, then continued. "We present to you thirty-six candidates—men and women from all levels of the Navarian community. Each one has demonstrated exceptional qualities that commend them to this high calling. Their diversity reflects the kingdom's commitment to an unbiased selection process, transcending social and economic statuses to find true potential leaders."

One by one, Elder Caius announced the names of the candidates. As each name was called, the respective candidate stepped forward, acknowledging their call with a nod or a bow. The candidates represented a broad spectrum of Navarian society, from the humblest backgrounds to the highest echelons of power.

Each announcement was met with cheers and applause from different sections of the crowd, where families, friends, and supporters had gathered. The atmosphere was electric with pride and support, each candidate feeling the weight of the kingdom's hopes and expectations as they prepared to face the trials ahead.

As Elder Caius concluded the announcements, he gave a reassuring nod to the assembled candidates. "These are your champions, chosen by the kingdom to potentially lead us into the future. Let us all lend them our support and prayers as they embark on this demanding journey to prove their worthiness."

As expected, the list of candidates included all the elites from the academy, Sophie among them. Her initial apprehension gave way to a surge of relief and determination when she heard the names of her friends Mia and Pita announced as well. Having them by her side meant more than just shared support; it was a profound comfort, knowing they would face the trials together.

The inclusion of Mia and Pita in the selection not only bolstered Sophie's spirits but also reinforced the sense of unity among them. They exchanged glances that conveyed a mix of excitement and nervousness, silently vowing to back each other no matter what challenges lay ahead.

The crowd's energy around them was palpable, a mixture of admiration and anticipation swirling through the air as families and friends cheered for their chosen candidates. The atmosphere was a vivid tapestry of emotions, each cheer a thread binding the candidates to their community, each applause a reinforcement of their responsibility to uphold the values and expectations of their society.

Then Elder Caius gestured for the 36 candidates to move to the center of the open field. With all eyes fixed upon them, he raised his voice, resonating with solemn authority, "The kingdom has chosen its candidates, and now it is time for the Gods to choose their selected."

To everyone's surprise, the ritual commenced not with typical ceremonial fanfare, but with the sudden appearance of the highest and oldest retired arcane master. This revered figure, long absent from public view, emerged to conduct the ritual, signaling the gravity of the moment. The crowd fell into a hushed silence as the arcane master began his incantations.

As he chanted, the air around the field thickened, and ethereal fire erupted around the circle where the candidates stood. The skies above responded, not with rain but with the reverberating sound of thunder, as if the heavens themselves were acknowledging the significance of the ritual. Then, as quickly as it had begun, a palpable peace settled over the field.

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