Me time

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Sunday arrived with a gentle quietness that blanketed the dorm. After tidying up with Pita, Sophie settled into a corner of their room, a notebook open in her lap. It was an old habit gladly she'd brought it with her in her bag to Navaria—writing letters to her grandparents. Though they would never read these words, it brought her comfort, a way to keep them close despite the distance of death and dimensions.

She wrote about her days in the academy, the challenges and the unexpected joys. She described the friends she was making, the lessons she was learning, and even the daunting duel with Argus. With each word, she felt as if she was speaking to them, keeping them updated on her life's new chapter.

"I wish you could see me now," Sophie wrote, her handwriting neat and flowing. "I think I'm finding my place here, learning to stand strong. I hope I'm making you guys proud."

Finishing her entry, she closed the notebook, a sense of peace settling over her. This ritual of writing was her private therapy, a moment of introspection and connection. It was her 'me time', a sacred space where she could converse with her past and dream of her future.

After finishing her letter, Sophie glanced around the tidy room, feeling a sense of accomplishment. With still much of the day ahead of her, she decided to venture out and revisit the academy's gardens, a place she had briefly explored the day before with Mia and found particularly calming. As she stood up, ready to head out, she turned to Pita, who was absorbed in a book.

"Hey Pita, I'm heading back to the gardens for a bit. Would you like to join me?" Sophie asked, hoping to encourage her roommate to take a break.

Pita looked up, considering the invitation for a moment, then shook her head gently. "Thanks, but I'll stay in. I'm at a good part in my book," she replied, her voice soft but firm, clearly content in her little world of words.

Understanding her preference for solitude, Sophie nodded. "Alright, enjoy your reading then," she said with a smile, then grabbed her coat and headed out, eager to enjoy some fresh air and the peaceful beauty of the gardens on her own.

In the gardens, Sophie found tranquility among the meticulously arranged flower beds and towering trees. The air was fresh with the scent of blooming flowers and newly cut grass, a stark contrast to the dusty training fields and bustling academy halls. As she strolled along the winding paths, she felt each step ease the tensions of the past week.

She paused by a particularly vibrant bed of flowers, captivated by the variety of colors and the gentle sway of the petals in the light breeze. It was moments like these, Sophie reflected, that made her appreciate the quieter, often overlooked aspects of life in Navaria.

Allowing herself a moment to simply be, Sophie sat on a nearby bench, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, absorbing the natural beauty around her. The garden was a peaceful sanctuary where she could think and reflect without interruption—except for the occasional chirp of birds or the distant laughter of other students enjoying their own leisurely Sunday.

From a distance, Ealdred watched Sophie sitting alone on the garden bench, seemingly lost in thought. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to approach her or let her enjoy her solitude. Ultimately, his concern and curiosity won over. He quietly made his way towards her, his steps soft on the lush grass.

As he approached, he noticed the peaceful expression on her face, a stark contrast to the intensity he often saw during their training sessions or classes. "Mind if I join you?" he asked gently, not wanting to startle her.

Sophie opened her eyes, a bit surprised but smiling as she recognized him. "Of course, Ealdred. I was just enjoying the quiet," she responded, making room for him on the bench.

Ealdred sat down beside her, both of them taking in the tranquil garden scene. "These moments are rare at the academy, aren't they?" he remarked, his voice low and reflective. "It's important to find time to just... breathe."

The two shared a comfortable silence, appreciating the beauty of the garden and the rare opportunity to step away from the demands of their daily routines. It was a simple, serene moment that deepened their understanding of each other beyond the confines of the academy's walls.

Ealdred shifted slightly, turning towards Sophie with a more personal note in his conversation. "By the way, my mother wanted to say hi," he mentioned, his tone casual but sincere. "She also wanted to make sure that I'm doing my part to make you feel comfortable here." He smiled a little awkwardly, adding, "Though, I think it's something I wanted to ensure myself as well."

Sophie felt her cheeks warm with a blush at Ealdred's words, touched by the thoughtfulness from both him and his mother. "Thank you, Ealdred," she managed to say, her smile reflecting both surprise and appreciation. "That's really kind of both of you."

Sophie's cheeks warmed as she looked at Ealdred. "I don't really know how to repay you and Lady Elowen for all your help. Without you, I don't think I could manage here," she admitted, feeling a mix of gratitude and humility.

Ealdred shook his head, his expression gentle. "You owe us nothing, Sophie. Helping you is not a debt to be repaid; it's simply what we do in the house of Gardwyn. Besides, you've brought your own strengths and spirit here, which is more than enough. My mother, though... she might be doing a bit more for you. I think she sees something of my late twin sister in you."

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