Nɪɢʜᴛ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Bᴜɴɴʏ 🤧

305 10 54

A/n - rEeEeEeEeE

God, this feels good to be back. Now, my target is to finish this chapter by my bday, which is on Thursday. However, school is a thing. So that might ruin my plan.


And if I don't make it then ima punish myself by strangling a Jax plush.

I know I'd cry if I did that. Considering this is an angsty chapter 😭🤧


Y/N's POV :

Whilst secretly following Jax, I had made sure to keep an eye on my feet just in case there were any obsicles that could make noise. Of course, Jax did occasionally look around him to make sure no one followed him, in which I snuck behind a nearby wall.

Finally Jax slipped into his room. With that, I snuck out from the wall and crept over to Jax's door. However, he had locked his door. Oh great. Now I have to come up with a way to get into his room. I tried everything:

- Pulling on the door knob (lightly)
-Wondering what to do
-Questioning my existence
-Laying on the floor
-Pulling on the door knob (again)

I was about to give up and walk away until I remembered something. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a key to Jax's room, a grin appearing on my face. Before I headed to my room after the whole Kaufmo thing yesturday, Jax had gifted me with a key to his room.

I spun back around and unlocked Jax's door, hearing it click. Slowly opening the door, my eyes were met with a lot of purple. I began scanning the room for Jax, but no avail. I then noticed him sitting in the corner of the room, his head burried in his knees and his ears drooped downwards.

"Jax..?" I call, closing the door softly behind me.

He looks up at me quickly, his ears slightly rising up a little. His eyes were glossy and filled with tears, his fur soaked from crying. His black square shaped eyes widened when he saw me.


We both shared a long stare. The atmosphere was silent other than the occasional sounds of crickets from outside (Jax's window was open). It was pretty awkward until I broke the silence.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, walking towards the upset bunny.

I slowly crouched down to his level, slightly caressing his cheek. Jax hesitated before slowly shaking his head.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sliding next to him so we were sitting together.

Jax stayed silent for a minute, pondering what to say.

"I..." he whispered, his voice shaky, "I-It's just.....abstraction. Lots of people have been abstracting over the years. You never met them since you only came here yesturday.."

I nodded in agreement.

"A-And....." he began again. More tears began flowing down his cheeks as his eyes welled up, "I DON'T WANNA LOSE ANYONE ELSE!!"

My eyes widened at his sudden burst. Jax turned to face me, his tears getting thicker.

"I-I don't wanna lose you."

H-He doesn't wanna lose me? It kept replaying in my head.

"I don't wanna lose you."

"I don't wanna lose you."

I felt warm tears form in my eyes as I looked at him. Does he really care about me..? I thought I was just someone he could mess around with..

"I-It's....dumb...I know." Jax adds, looking away, "You can leave if you wa-"

Jax's sentence was interrupted by a warm hug from me. I wrapped my arms tightly around his warm body, slightly crying into his shoulder. His body tensed at the sudden movement, until his eyes welled up even more as he held onto me tightly, loudly sobbing into my shoulder. Jax's body radiated heat, making me feel safe.

After a few mintutes our crying calmed down, but we still held onto each other. I softly rubbed Jax's back in circles, calming him down a little more.

"You're never going to lose me, Jax.." I whispered, "We'll get through this...together."

Jax's breath hitched as he looked up at me.



I smiled warmly down at Jax, his ears rising up. That's when everything changed. Jax cupped my cheeks and closed the gap between us. Our lips met, as he closed his eyes softly. My eyes widened as I felt my face heat up like crazy, my heart beating louder than a drum. But I didn't pull away.

I cupped Jax's face and stayed in the kiss, closing my eyes too. The kiss felt so....right..

We both pulled away for air, staring at each other with surprise and love in our eyes. I slowly hugged Jax softly, him doing the same.

"I love you, Y/N.." he murmered.

"I love you too.."



But there's gonna be a twist in the next chapterrrr..... *instert dramatic music*

Okay but seriously, I loved writing this chapter.

Be sure to vote to show support!!

-Lily ♡︎♡︎

Words: 843

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