He did it... (finale)

297 7 47

A/N - What did 'he' do?? Idk-



Y/N's POV :

Jax : "So... What's going on?"

Jax and I had sat together on my bed as I was about to tell him about Karen. I twiddled with my thumbs nervously, trying to find the words to tell him.

Y/N : "Well...."

Why is this so awkward..? I felt like this would be easier!!

I took a deep breath and began to explain.

Y/N : "Karen's been trying to hook up with you and she's been telling me to stay away from you or else and she slapped me last night. That's where I got this slap mark from :)"

I kept eye contact with Jax, putting on a goofy smirk for absolutely no reason. Jax stared back at me, his eyes wide opened. He no longer bared his signiture smile. When Jax isn't smiling, you know something's bad.

Jax : "WHAT...??!"

He didn't sound happy at all. I can't tell if he thinks I'm lying or if he's angry about Karen.

Jax : "W-Why would she do that??!!"

Y/N : "Cus she's a Karen."

Jax : "That's...very true."

His eyes wandered to my slap mark, his eyes showing pity. He suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace.

Jax : "I'm sorry...I should've noticed before when she first came here..."

I felt my face heat up rapidly. Omg he's hugging me. HE'S F- [BLOINK!] -ING HUGGING ME!!!

Y/N : "It's not your fault Jax... She just really wanted to make me jealous because I really like you and--"

I stopped talking as I realise what I had just said. I could feel myself turning into a tomato. Jax pulled away slowly, his eyes widened as his cheeks were tomato red.

Jax : "Y-You...really like....me...?"

My eyes widened as I practically felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.


Before I could even continue my stuttering, I felt Jax's hands grasp the colar of my (shirt/dress) as he pulled me in, suddenly closing the gap between us.

This time, it wasen't a dream..

My breath hitched as I felt his warm breath flood my mouth, but I soon relaxed and deepened into the kiss. After about 20 seconds of kissing, we parted for air. But I just couldn't stop looking at him.

Jax : "Y/N...I like you...and I have for months now. I never thought you'd feel the same. I-I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable.."

Y/N : "Jax...you haven't made me uncomfortable. In fact, I'm really happy you feel that way! Because...I feel the same.."

Jax's eyes widened as blush embedded his cheeks. I looked away embarrassed, knowing my cheeks were pink too.

He softly grasped my chin with his thumb and index finger and turned my head to face him.

Jax : "I love you, Y/N.."


Y/N : "I love you, too, bunny.."

I leaned in and closed the gap between us, kissing him passionately. Jax cupped my cheeks and melted into the kiss.

And that, my dear readers, is how I fell for a stupid bunny...



A/N - That is indeed the end of this fanfiction :)

I just wanna say, I really really REALLY appreciate you guys reading and voting. Thank you for sticking around on this crazy journey and I really hope you enjoyed.

But don't leave just yet!!

I'm still gonna write LOADS of character x reader fanfictions. I won't be gone for a whilee

And if you're wondering what happened to Karen, they took care of her.

I appreciate all of you but that's all from me :)

Peace out, my dudes :)

And stay slay

- Lily ♡︎♡︎


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Sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ Bᴜɴɴʏ... (Tᴀᴅᴄ Jᴀx x  Fᴇᴍ! Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now