
228 6 45

A/N - Naur they be enemies fr fr


Y/N's POV :

It was the day after that night with Karen, and I was thirsty for revenge. After I woke up, I thought about it. There was absolutely no point in crying at all. She could never take jax from me. It would just never work. So, if anyone asks about the slap mark on my face, I'll say that Karen did it. I can take her down. It would be so easy.

I suddenly get pulled out of my thoughts as I bump into someone. I look up to find myself face to face with Jax.

Y/N : "Oh-- Hi, Jax! Sorry, I didn't see you there."

Jax : "Oh, it's oka-- Is that a slap mark on your cheek...?"

Y/N : "Yeah."

Jax : "Who did it..?"

Jax for some reason look genuinly worried, I don't know why.

Y/N : "Kar--"

Karen : "Heyyy guysss!!"

Karen glared daggers into me, and I glared back. I know what she's trying to do, it isn't gonna work.

Karen : "Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?....Alone."

If she tries to hurt me, I'll hurt her back.

Y/N : "Alright, be right back, Jax."

I gave Jax a warm smile before being dragged into the other room by a very angry Karen.


Y/N : "And I told you it ain't happening."

Karen : "I'll make that slap mark worse."

Y/N : "Do you think I care?"

Karen then tried to kick me in the shins but I just dodged her attacks lol.

Y/N : "Look, Jax and I have known eachother for at least four months. You've kown him for two days. I don't know how you'd expect me to just straight up ignore him like that."

Suddenly, Karen randomly started lying on the floor and screaming for no reason.

Y/N : "What the fu- Are you okay-"


I stood there in shock. Is she.....trying to get me in trouble.

Y/N : "I never even did that-"

Karen : *screaming Karen noises*

Ragatha : "What's goin-- Karen are you okay??"


Sh- [BLOINK!].

Y/N : "H-Huh?? No, I didn-"

Ragatha : "Y/N!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??"

Y/N : "What-?"

Jax : "What the hell is going on-"

As soon as I saw Jax, I made a run for it to my room. I could hear Jax calling after me, but I didn't turn around. If Karen wants to be like that, fine!! I'll show her one day.

Jax : "Y/N!! Wait!!"

I slipped into the hallway where the rooms were until I felt a hand grasp mine. I stopped running and turned around to find Jax. I immdediately felt my face heat up rapidly.

Omg...he's holding my hand...HE'S HOLDING MY HAND-

Y/N : "H-Huh?"

Jax : "What's wrong? Why did you run away?"

Y/N : "You aren't mad at me?"

Jax : "Mad? Why would I be mad?"

Wait...he doesn't know..?

(A/N - Starting to think of 'You Didn't Know' from Hazbin Hotel-)

Y/N : "...I-It's.....Ka--- ...Nothing.. It isn't that important.."

Jax : "You know you can tell me anything, right? I told you why I was upset that night after going to the Candy Kingdom, so now, I have to listen to you."

Does he care about me..? Should I tell him about Karen. If I did, it would have to be somewhere private..

Y/N : "Okay....but we have to go somewhere more private than here.."


A/N - Sorry this chapter is so short lol-

I tried to make Y/N defend herself more in this chapter, I think I kinda did well I guess-

I hope yall enjoyed. Remember to vote to show support!!

-Lily :)

Words : 653

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