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Bubble's POV :

(A/n - This also takes place like after a few weeks of Y/N being in the circus)

Ugh, I can't find boss anywhere!! I've looked EVERYWHERE!! The main room, all the dorms (Ragatha, Zooble and Gangle were pissed about that). I even checked his office! Maybe I should give up. I made my way to his office for one last check, and guess what I found.

Boss sitting at his desk. I stood there, staring at him in shock and anger. He turned around on his chair at the sounds of the door opening.

Caine : "Oh, hi Bub-"


Boss looked shocked that I yelled. I stepped back a little. I've never yelled at Boss before! Oh...he's gonna be so pissed. I'm so done for!! I didn't even get to have any of that nice cake before I die!!

Caine : "Oh, sorry Bubble! I was just planning something."

I sighed with relief. At least I'll live another day.

Bubble : "What are you planning?"

I flew next to Boss, curious to what he had in mind.

Caine : "Welll....I've been noticing some romance between Jax and Y/N lately."

My grin widened. I had noticed that too. Whenever Jax was around, Y/N would stutter like crazy and be a blushing mess. She'd never stutter, ever! And whenever Y/N was around, Jax wouldn't be his proud, cocky self anymore. He'd be shy and would barely speak at all.

Caine : "I feel like I should make the others do a normal adventure whilst I make them do a special adventure alone.."

Bubble : "That's a great idea, boss! But what adventure will we make them do?"

Caine : "Actually.....I'm planning it right now..."


A/N - Welp, y'all earned yourself a teaser for the next chaapter.

ALSO THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH FOR 2K READS!! I am so greatful for all of you and I hope you stick around!! As your reward, you get a cookie 🍪

I'll see you in the next chapter. Be sure to vote to show support!!

- Lily :)

Words : 352

Sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ Bᴜɴɴʏ... (Tᴀᴅᴄ Jᴀx x  Fᴇᴍ! Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now