Chapter 35

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Mara pov...

Gripping onto the handle of the door for support as my body starts to shake. I struggle to hold myself up.

Biting as hard as I can trying to withhold the excruciating pleasure I was feeling I looked down at her making eye contact.

As a devilish smile forms on her face her head dips back under my dress.

Placing on of my leg on her shoulder she continued with the combination that she had been doing for the past 5 minutes that's been driving me crazy.

With the gusting sounds of how wet I am mixed with her slurping on my clit drove me over the edge to reach my climax.

This was now my third time cuming in the spam of 20 minutes.

Allowing me to ride out my orgasm after I calmed down she removed her fingers firm inside me and stood up.

Grabbing me by the throat she placed her fingers in my mouth for me to clean up.

Hungrily licking every juice from her fingers she then indulged us in a kiss.

As the kiss breaks away all that filled the room was my heavy breathing.

Before anyone could get a chance to speak a knock comes on the door.

"Are you guys okay in there?"

We were currently on a date night and she went to the bathroom and told me to meet her there.

(Ungodly like, ina the ppl dem restaurant Mara? Uh affi go down)

Yaffi do wah yaffi do sometimes.

Using one hand to cover my mouth she then slowly pinches down on my nipple while smiling staring into my eyes.

Now starting to feel shy under her gaze I buried my face into her chest.

"Nah ma none a dat, come we clean and go out"

Quickly washing our hands and popping in a piece of gum each. I got cleaned up sprayed some more perfume on and we were ready to go back out to continue our night.


"No, what if they know?"

Laughing she took my hand and led us outside back to our table.

Just as I suspected upon leaving the bathroom I got a couple of judgmental stares but nothing  that would make me feel too embarrassed.

I like the adrenaline I felt, if anything it helped me finished quicker.

(Dirty style uh have)

Fuck off nuh

Arriving back at our table my smile wouldn't leave my face.

It feels good to be happy again and it being  genuinely. Thinking back on Rome my mind started to get angry. Quickly masking it I pushed those feelings down when the waiter placed our meals infront of us.

Looking up at her with excitement she was already staring at me with concerned eyes.

"Enjoy your meals" he smiles walking away.

"Thank you" we both said.

"Uh gud?" She asked moving more into the table reading my every body language.

"I am" I smiled while shaking my head.

"Uh sure?"

"Yes, now hurry and eat so we can go home" I winked.

"Nope because uh nah come rape me off before time.

"No worry uh self in due time I will" blowing her a kiss as we laughed as I took a couple pictures.

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