Chapter 30

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Luca pov...

****Same night***

Speeding to the warehouse closest to me my phone started ringing.

Looking down at the screen it was an unknown number.

Swiping the call I placed it on speaker before returning my focus on the road.

Waiting for the person to speak 30 seconds goes by without them saying anything.

Reaching to hang up the person finally speaks.

How does it feel to lose?

(Them a use a voice changer)

Hearing laughter I still didn't say anything. Quickly sending the number to our hacker for him to trace the origin of call.

You see, you and Al thought you guys had the one up on us but you didn't.

Them a target Al too

(Obviously dipshit)

Fuck off nuh

You're not going to say anything?... that's okay

Turning unto the road leading to our warehouse I slowed down seeing a whole bunch of police and firetrucks lights in the near distance.

I had you all believing that you were untouchable but look at y'all now. I just set fire your warehouse with your new shipment of coke. Shot up your club and set fire to both y'all's cars. Steal valuable information from you, and how can I forget, your precious Wife was shot and won't make it.

Trying my best to not react to what they were saying I quickly did a u turn and picked up my other phone dialing Liv's number a couple times. With it going straight to voicemail I started getting furious.

See Naldo you guys don't get to mess with us without any consequences. Y'all were too busy trying to take us down when we were already taking y'all down from the inside.

As they laughed again the line goes silent. Listening keenly to the background a specific sound stood out to me.

(Mi know dah sound deh)

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