Chapter 24

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Crystal pov...

The sounds of machines beeping  filled the air as i slowly start to open my eyes. The brightness of the light in the room sent an aching pain to my eyes that force my eyelids shut.

Attempting to open them once more I was successful. Feeling a sharp pain in my lower stomach my hands automatically found the spot.

Looking around the room there were people laying around on couches, sitting in chairs while others were standing at the door with their backs turned to me

"She's awake" a voice said from beside me

How mi not even did realize seh smaddy lay dung next to mi.

Feeling the bed get lighter I focused my eyes on the person that was laying next to me


"Mi dawta uh wake" my mom said rushing to my bedside sniffling.

Trying to remember what happened I saw the doctor move closer to me.

"Can you tell me your name dear?"


"Do you know where you are?"

"The hospital?"

Shining a light in my eyes he asked me to follow it with my eyes as he moved it around.

"Do you remember what happened before
you got here or why you are here?"

Shaking my head no

My mom held my hand.

"You were stabbed last night in the lower abdomen, now lucky for you it didn't damaged or hit any important arteries or organs".

As the doctor continued to speak the events of last night started to replay in my head.

The dutty gyal really almost tek mi 3 points over man???

"Crystal are you with us?" The doctor touched my leg.

"I'm fine, I just zoned out a bit" I offered a small smile

Nodding he continued speaking "However the wound is very deep. Now in addition to that when you fell last night you also hit your head really hard. There's no indication showing that you have any injury to your brain however you will have a terrible headache for the next 24 hours. I have put orders in to your nurse so that every couple hours you will receive a dosage of pain killers to help with the pain. We are going to keep you here for over night to monitor your wound and also your headache. Do you have any questions for me at this time?"

Shaking my head no, he told my mom he wanted to speak with her.

Looking around the room I saw Cali getting up with a blanket wrapped around her as both her and Liv make their way over to me.

"So gyal fhi look good afta them get stab" Liv jokes fixing my hair.

Feeling sharp pains in my stomach as I try to laugh, I groaned.

"Uno cah make me laugh" I said very weakly.

"Hush bbz, we just happy seh a never nth more serious" Cali said sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Want some water?" Liv asked holding a straw up to my lips.

Almost drinking the whole thing in one go I choke. "All when ya dead uh still greedy" they laughed as Liv moved the cup from my lips and placed in on the table.

Laughing once more I felt that very same pain. Wincing in pain my hand found that same spot.

"Dr Brown will I be able to get some of those pain killers now?" I asked the doctor since he was still talking to my mom.

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