A Different Kalos Crisis

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No sign of life, compacted and flat charred ground, almost like there weren't a couple of mountains there a few minutes ago. The Kalos Region was naturally beautiful. The sight below was certainly not pretty and resembled the aftermath of one of the old pokemon wars.

Serena had understood that legendaries obtained unimaginable power, reading and listening to the stories and myths about them. Hearing about the destructive power of Yveltal and the life force blooming out of Xerneas, having even seen it in person.

That sinking feeling of fear for her life had kept recurring in her nightmares and had not left until the next couple of months. She didn't seem to be the only one as she had noticed Clemont comforting Bonnie late at night a week after the encounter with the two legendaries.

Luckily, Ash had been calm and comforting alongside Pikachu to the trio. Now that she looks back at it, it's surprising how calm Ash was considering he was at the center of it and had almost lost Pikachu, his partner, and best friend for many years.

It would be added to the list of countless mysteries about Ash.

Thinking about that encounter, it seemed insignificant compared to the disaster that had happened after the Kalos League. The trophy was being given to Alain after defeating Ash in the final, who didn't look as sad as Serena thought he would.

Ash seemed almost accepting and tense, almost like he was ready for an attack of some sort. On his shoulder, Pikachu had a concentrated look on his face and was scanning the whole arena.

It was when Lysandre had come out that both Ash and Pikachu had focused their gaze on him. If Serena had looked closer, she would have seen Ash typing some sort of message onto his phone.

Moods seemed to be high after a great competition and countless amazing battles. But then it happened, an event that would later affect the Kalos region and many of its great trainers.

The attack on Lumiose City and the Kalos Region would be an irreplaceable memory to her and probably all of Kalos. Lysandre, the crazy man, had attacked with Team Flare and destroyed the city and many lives. Clembot sacrificing itself had been a loss to their group that truly exhibited the pain that everyone felt as the city continued to be destroyed.

Serena had never seen Clemont so heartbroken and lost before. All hope seemed to be lost when that robot Zyarge appeared and destroyed anything in its way, with no attacks damaging it.

Serena was then reminded of the powers of a true legendary pokemon. Squishy, imagine her surprise when cute little Squishy, the mysterious creature that had bonded so well with Bonnie, was actually a legendary pokemon and had transformed to fight against Lysandre's Zygarde.

It shocked all of them when it was revealed before the crisis had struck.

Clemont and Serena had been instantly put into disarray, anxious about the consequences and danger that could come to them from traveling with a pokemon that held power similar to Yveltal and Xerneas.

Bonnie, the energetic child that obviously couldn't comprehend the possible danger, had gushed over Squishy for the next couple of hours.

Ash was calmer and more collected than the other three but just seemed defeated, the sigh he let out contained so much emotion and hidden meaning that Serena was overwhelmed.

Serena swore she heard Ash mumble a 'Fuck' to himself and Pikachu. Pikachu looked smug with a knowing smirk on his face, but those who knew Pikachu very well could see the stiffness and tiredness in Pikachu's posture portraying his real thoughts.

Squishy's power had been terrifying, the transformation it took had been nothing like the little green organism. The energy oozing out of the legendary had been incredible but extremely terrifying. The feeling of powerlessness against such power was overwhelming to everyone who was a safe distance away under the order of Champion Steven Stone.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now