Lunchtime - Bulbasaur

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Lunchtime, a joyful time for most of the ranch Pokemon. A time to take a break from the morning activities and enjoy a brisk meal under the sun. Most Pokemon awaited this time with bated breath (or a drooling tongues in some cases).

Most, but not Bulbasaur.

The usually outgoing and calm Bulbasaur was currently hiding in a bush. No, he wasn't scared, that would be ridiculous. He was just... anxious. Anxious that the stupid blue bug type was going to show up.

Bulbasaur cringed as he heard a loud bell sounding in the distance- Tracey, Professor Oak, or Gary- telling all of Ash's Pokemon that it was lunch time at last. Bulbasaur dragged himself out of the bushes. He was anxious, yes, but that wasn't going to stop him from assisting the Professor like he always did. He had a job and a reputation to maintain, and he wasn't about to let the humans down.

Bulbasaur darted forward, passing by Ash's other eager Pokemon on his way to the lab. They payed him no mind, for the only thing on their mind was the food that Tracey had waiting for them at the lab- whether the same thing from yesterday or a new recipe by the Professor or Brock- they didn't care, just as long as it was something they could stuff down their throats.

"There you are Bulbasaur," Tracey said warmly as Bulbasaur trotted up towards the lab, "Help me pass these out, please," and two dishes of food were quickly pressed into his vines. Feeding Pokemon was a chore enough for the few humans at the lab, but when nearly all of Ash's Pokemon took after his love of food... it became a challenge. And Bulbasaur was expected to help keep order.

Bulbasaur gave the human a smile, but he kept a cautious eye skyward for the menace that was sure to strike. Every time a flying type swooped down Bulbasaur flinched, ready to dodge. Swellow chuckled at this as he came down, and Bulbasaur shoved the food towards him, fuming in embarrassment.

His fear... anxiety, was getting out of hand. He took a deep breath, holding two dishes out of reach of Totodile and Gible as they jumped around him excitedly, 'Calm down,' He snapped, momentarily taking his eyes off the sky. He set the two dishes down (and far apart), the last thing he needed was these two to get into another food fight like they often did.

Bulbasaur walked back up to Tracey, who smiled, handing him one last dish, "Thank you, like always, Bulbasaur, this one is all yours. A brand new recipe, hope you like it."

Bulbasaur took it, nodding, but his mind wasn't focused on that. He was focused on Gible and Totodile. Their food was nearly halfway gone they were nearly always the first ones done, and they had both developed a habit of stealing the other Pokemon's food. Bulbasaur had taken it upon himself to get them under control in situations like this, which happened basically every meal. He did hear rumors that Ash's Oshawott was also a food theif, but Bulbasaur wasn't going to keep an eye on a third Pokemon, at least not without evidence.

Bulbasaur tossed the pellets of food into his mouth without much thought as to the taste. He was running a mental list in his mind as he ate: help Tracey gather the food dishes, deliver extra food to Snorlax, make sure the Tauros' fence was in one piece, make sure the trained Pokemon weren't gaining up on the wild Pokemon again, check on the wild Pokemon, help Gary with his latest research project... Bulbasaur shook his head, he still had a lot to do today.

Bulbasaur ate another piece of food, not noticing the blue figure gliding overhead, nor the unusually unattended bowl of nectar. Corphish glanced up, stifling a snicker of what was to come. Bulbasaur picked up another pellet of food with his vine just as a large, inelegant shadow passed over him. Bulbasaur stiffened in fear, wheeling around just in time for mass of shell and muscle to slam into him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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