Psycho couple

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Ash is 17 while Sabrina is 19

Aura is just a psychic ability

Ash was stunned beyond belief, his partner Pikachu had been knocked out by Sabrina's Kadabra without even breaking a sweat. Ash picked up his injured pokemon and began to slowly retreat back towards his friends, when he was interrupted by a voice. "I told you that I would win." the girl in Sabrina's hands snickered, "Now you and your friends will play with us". "We need to get out of here now." screamed Misty, shaking Ash from his stupor. This caused the group to make a break for the door, however they were soon frozen in place before they could reach it. "What's going on, I can't move." Brock yelled out, as he triedto break free from this mysterious force. "I told three of you before, you WILL play with me whether you like it or not" the small girl laughed, before Sabrina's eyes began to glow blue. "You tried to escape from our deal" the young gym leader began "I'm afraid we can't let that happen". With that the entire room lit up in a blue light, which knocked Ash unconscious. The last thing the boy saw were the looks of horror on his friends' faces before his vision faded into blackness.

An undetermined amount of time later Ash woke up from his slumber in an entirely different room. The walls were painted a beautiful blue and had yellow wooden boards on the floor. He tried to move but was still bound by psychic energy as Sabrina walked up to him. "I see your awake Ash" she taunted, "what have you done with my friends" he yelled out in defiance. "Oh their safe, I just moved them out of the way for now. But the one I'm really interested in is you" She revealed. "Why is that" Ash asked, hoping he could just get out of this predicament. "I sense great psychic potential deep within you, so great that I can only compare it to myself" she explained. This caught Ash's attention but he didn't know how to respond to such a compliment so he just kept silent. "Let me teach you how to harness your powers" she offered to the stunned trainer. "I'm afraid I have to decline, if I accepted I would never become a pokemon master" he responded. "You will never become a pokemon master with them, they will always prevent you from achieving your goal" Sabrina revealed to her captive."No that's not true, I've learned so much from them already" he retorted. "Search your heart, you know it to be true", she continued to plant the seed of doubt in Ash's mind. When Ash remained silent at this, Sabrina had enough and grabbed his head with her hands. She stared into Ash's eyes and began to infuse him with her energy. Ash began to spasm in her hands as he was assaulted with visions of himself in the future. Ash saw himself in different clothes with pokemon he had never seen before and making new friends. However there was one consistent he noticed sprinkled throughout each vision. This consistency was the fact that he always failed in his goal. He never won a league and was embarrassed on multiple occasions. "No" Ash began panicking, "Please make it stop, I'll do anything" he screamed in anguish. Sabrina ended the visions, causing Ash to fall to the ground and into unconsciousness once again. "Let's get you comfortable once again" Sabrina said to herself as she carried Ash to a waiting bed. After several minutes Ash regained consciousness, "Do you see now my dear Ash, your future is here with me" Sabrina began. "I can make your dreams come true as long as your by my side" she finished. "Will I really become a Pokemon master if I stay here" he thought however, this was heard by Sabrina as she could read minds. "And so much more, all you have to do is submit to me and it will all be yours my dear" she interrupted his thoughts. Ash was too tired to think about it, he had been constantly mocked and humiliated by Gary as a kid and thought this was his one chance to beat him. "Yes, I'll do it." he responded, bending his knee and kneeling in front of Sabrina. "I pledge myself to you my master" he took her hand and placed a kiss upon her knuckle. Sabrina laughed as she placed a finger onto Ash's forehead and channeled her power through it. As the

energy was transferred to Ash, he felt a block lift from his mind. "I feel so much better, better than I've ever felt in my life", he thought. Sabrina laughed again, "That's because I removed the barrier caused by your friends" she explained as she led him towards a gorgeous king-sized bed. They stopped at the end of it before Sabrina turned to Ash and embraced him with a passionate kiss.This action surprised the young trainer and was unsure of what to do as his mouth was invaded by the Psychic leader's tongue. Sabrina quickly broke the interaction.

Three months later

"No Arcanine, Nidoking what have you done" screamed a familiar voice. "Was that not part of our agreement young Oak? If I won, I would claim your pokemon.You were certainly overconfident in your abilities if you thought you could defeat me" the unorthodox young man reprimanded Gary Oak. "And now my beloved Sabrina claims another doll to play with". Before Gary could respond he felt himself being changed from his normal body. He could think but could literally do nothing as he was transformed into a doll and was picked up by Ash. "Tell me old friend, who's the loser now." Ash asked sarcastically as he walked towards the play town his master had made. "Be glad that Sabrina is asking for another one of you, it's a little tempting to have your life in my literal hands." he added. "Do human truly find such pleasure in these play things?" a voice interrupted Ash. Ash turned around to see Mewtwo watching over him after recovering from the battle with Gary.

Flashback 1 month

Ash and Sabrina had broken Mewtwo out of the lab a month ago after they sensed a larger than normal psychic presence. Eventually they were able to persuade the semi-clone onto their side as equals. Just for good measure, the three psychics slayed Giovanni when he arrived and tried to offer Mewtwo his own proposition.

Present time

Ash opened the roof of a house when he answered, "When they are something special my friend, very few can deny wanting it". He placed Gary's dolls next to the dolls of Brock, Misty, Pikachu, Jessie, James, and even his own mother Delia inside the living room. It was a rather humorous scene to some observers to see the friends he wanted to save right in front of him but now he no longer had a desire to help them out of their trap. He placed the roof back on barely able to make out their panicked cries for help, "you have to admit, this life is far more interesting and fulfilling no?" he asked the legendary. Mewtwo nodded "yes having a true equal to stand among these lesser beings is a more fitting purpose to my life" Ash bowed his head to the legendary before heading to the front doors with his new stuffed pokemon in hand. "As my master promised, I will make this an extraordinary life for all of us. Every new day is another step closer towards creating our beautiful perfect world. And only then will we be satisfied with our work". If one saw Ash Ketchum now, they would have noticed a distinct change in both his personality and style. He now had an aloof nature to his posture and attitude. His clothing had also changed since his awakening had occurred. Gone were his signature clothes, he now wore a black trench-coat along with a crimson cape. His jeans were replaced with gothic style pants as well as leather boots, to match his coat. He entered the room where Sabrina had previously faced her opponents and found her asleep on her chair throne. This gave Ash a chance to look at his master from a sexual standpoint. Sabrina wore a black dress that tugged tightly against her body like a second skin, which only brought out her increasing baby bump. Ash dropped the Nidoking aside when he asked "Do you believe our child would have fun with a nice Arcanine my master". Sabrina awoke from her rest still a little groggy "You have really grown a lot since you identified the best choice" she approved. Ash set the doll down as he went down on a knee and kissed his master's swollen belly. "Very soon we will show the Kanto region and rule it as the rightful champions" she revealed. "I just hope our child will be powerful enough hold rule such a vast amount of land." Ash let out. Sabrina felt a tingle in her stomach, "I think she will be Ash, I really think she will be" Sabrina responded as a small child's laughter could be heard in the background.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now