An Alolan date

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Nervous. Scared. Worried. Anxious. Those were the words that were describing him at the moment, waiting for someone to come out of their house. He wasn't wearing his normal clothes, instead he dressed a bit nicer than he usually does.

Replacing his usual blue and white striped shirt, was an all dark blue colored polo one. His normal baggy pants were also gone, replaced with khaki shorts. He had ditched the hat and let his arm roam free after struggling for hours to get it neat. His usual partner, Pikachu, wasn't with him, but he did have two Pokeballs just incase he need it.

He stared at the house that was in front of him. How long has he been standing there, he had no idea. It was a bit late, nearing the evening, that was the time he was told to come and pick her up. He stared hard at the door, before realizing he probably looked like a idiot just staring at the door, so with all his courage, he knocked.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The door swung open to reveal not the person he was wanting to see, but a person who wanted to see him. He gulped, his nervousness increased tenfold. The man gave him a hard look, before beckoning him in. He nodded and stepped inside the house.

"Um, good afternoon sir." He forgot to greet the intimidating man that stood before him, his glare only intensified listening to him talk.

"Take a seat." He guided his hand towards a green leather couch. He nodded and proceeded to sit. The man was watching his every move critically. The man sat down on a seat, not that far away from the couch. His glare never faltered.

"What's your name young man?" There was no smile, nor positive emotion present on his face. He was sweating and he told himself to calm down. He's handled facing legendary Pokemon, but he was scared and nervous for this!

"Ash Ketchum sir." The man slowly nodded, his neutral face still present on his face. His overall facial features showed being neutral, but his eyes told him that he was judging him in every which way.

"Where are you from kid." The way he said kid put him on edge, but he stilled answered the question.

"Pallet Town, Kanto sir." The guy raised his eyebrows at his response, clearly not expecting him to come from such a long ways away.

"What are you doing here then?" The man sounded like he didn't want him in Alola, and he must likely didn't he thought. Where was she, he questioned, looking at the stairs that probably led to her room.

"I'm a Pokemon Trainer who's traveling the world sir." The response made him roll his eyes and glare at him harder, more fierce. He clearly didn't like his answer.

"Pokemon Trainer, huh. Do you think you can make a living off of that kid? Do you?" The man was berating him and his dream, and that pissed him off, but he couldn't show it. He had to take it full on. Before he had any chance to respond, someone came down the stairs.

"Dad, who are you talking to-" Her sentence stopped as she saw him. She looked shocked, so he grinned and gave a small wave to her.

"Ash! You're already here! Um…" She looked at him and her dad, and knew what conversations they were probably having.

"Ash, let's go." She walked over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling in out of that situation. Her dad stood up, clearly not amused with not being able to finish his conversation.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now