Oh My My My

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The phone rang at Dawn's quiet household in Twinleaf Town. Setting down her book, the young woman reached over to the end table from her place on the couch, snatching the device.

"Hello?" she greeted, placing the receiver to her ear.

"Hi, sweetie!" a woman's cheerful voice responded. "Guess who?"

Dawn gasped, her blue eyes lighting up. "Mom! It's so nice to hear your voice again! How are you?"

"I'm great! I feel even better now that I'm talking to you!" Johanna giggled. "So, how are you and Kenny doing?"

"I'm fine. And Kenny's doing great, too. He's out with Barry right now."

Now that the topic of her husband came up, Dawn's blue eyes wandered over to the end table, where a picture frame sat. Inside the intricately-carved mahogany frame, a photo of Kenny and Dawn was mounted, both clad in traditional wedding attire: she in a floor-length, sparkly white dress and matching veil, with an elegant tiara to top it off; and he in a black tuxedo and green tie. The two were cuddled close together, smiles plastered on their faces. Dawn smiled, recalling the joyful memory from five years ago. That was the happiest day of my life. Kenny was so handsome...

"That's good. It makes me happy to know that you two are so happy together." Johanna sighed, her voice growing nostalgic as she reminisced the memories from long ago. "I remember when you two were little. You were so close back then, too..."

"Be careful, you two!" Kenny's father, Kevin, shouted as his nine-year-old son and the eight-year-old girl darted into the vast field, giggling.

"We will!" Kenny called over his shoulder, still racing ahead of his best friend.

Stumbling over her own feet, Dawn's laughs shifted to pants as she tried to keep up with him. "Kenny...!" she whined. "Wait for me!"

Kenny obliged, stopping in his tracks. He waited for her to catch up to him, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.

"Geez, you're fast..." she sputtered out between breaths, dropping to her knees in the freshly-cut, emerald green grass.

"It's not my fault you're a Slowpoke," he mocked, and he cracked up laughing when her eyes narrowed and her cheeks puffed up in response—her failed attempt at an angry expression. Looks like Slowpoke evolved into Qwilfish!

"Can we just sit here and talk? I don't feel like running..." Dawn pouted, gazing pleadingly up at him with large blue eyes.

The longer he looked into those eyes, the redder his face grew. He sighed. How can I say no to that...? "Fine." He plopped on his back onto the grass next to her in defeat, gazing up at the sky. The sun had fully descended beneath the horizon just a short while ago, painting the sky a dark shade of blue with some lingering hues of orange and pink.

All was silent, with the exception of the Kricketot chirping and the faint voices of their parents in the distance. Dawn's thoughts wandered as she focused on the soothing sounds and the colors of the sky.

Kenny is nine years old now, she noted. Next year, he'll be ten, and he'll leave to become a Pokémon Trainer and travel the world. I won't be able to leave on my journey for another three months after that... As those negative thoughts crept in, tears welled in her eyes. What if I never see him again...?

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now