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We join our hero as their journey continues. Right now they were sleeping in Pokemon Center because it's night. The main attraction, Ash Ketchum was lying on the bed sleeping peacefully with Pikachu sleeping on his chest. The window on room is open. Suddenly our hero wake up and cause Pikachu to jump a bit too. He just heard voice of lightning and it's enough to wake up Ash. He was still half asleep and watching Pikachu glaring at him.

"Heh… Sorry Pikachu. It's just that I heard a voice. You better sleep beside me"-said Ash with a nervous laugh and put Pikachu beside himself.

Ash then crawls down from his bed and then walks to window of his room. He look that it start raining and that's why he listen the voice of lightning. He took a heavy breath filled his nostrils with the fresh air. He then close the window. He was about to return to his bed but then he heard another voice. But this time it wasn't from lightning. He turn from where the voice is came from. He look everywhere in the room and stop when his eyes found from where the voice is coming from. It is coming from another bed in the room and there is non-other the her travelling companion Serena. He remember that Serena asked him to sleep with her in the same room tonight because it is clear that tonight is going to rain and she is afraid of lightning. He agreed with some hesitation. He approached near her and found that she is soaked from the sweat. She is breathing heavily and saying something.

"No… Please don't do this. Please leave me. ASH!"-she then shouted still sleeping. Ash was amazed to hear his name from her while she is sleeping. He don't waste much time and start shaking her so she can wake up.

"Serena… wake up Serena. Serena…"-said Ash while shaking her. And it works. She was about to wake up when there is another lightning outside. She wake up and throw the sheet she is covering herself before. She wake up breathing heavily and covering from sweat. She don't know that the sheet thrown by her earlier was now on top o Ash and he fall down.

'So it was just a dream. That one is really worst, wired and scary dream'-thought Serena as her were about to filled with tears. She want comfort right now and only one person can do it who is present in this room in current time, Ash Ketchum. She was about to crawls down from the bed when she felt that someone is behind her. She turn around but found nothing. She then heard a voice from behind her. Now she is little scared and then again turn around.

"Who is there?"-she asked little scared. And then suddenly the sheet thrown by her raised with two hands.

"G-G-G-G-GOHST!"-she yelled. This cause Pikachu to jump a little. He's angry now so he cover his face with pillow not even caring what is happening with Serena.

Serena almost fell from the bed. "L-Leave m-me a-alone p-please"-stutter Serena now completely scared and taking a step back. And then she fell from the bed. Then the sheet jumped from the one corner to another of bed and now hanging over her. She quickly crawl backward towards the corner of the room as the ghost was taking step towards her.

"Leave me please…"-said Serena and start crying. The sheet is now about one to two steps from her. "Please leave me… Ash save me. ASH"-yelled crying Serena. She shut her eyes and thought that the ghost is going to attack her soon. Few seconds passed but nothing happened but she don't have enough courage to open her eyes.

"Serena…"-she heard a familiar voice. She felt very happy, never felt like that before and only little scared now. Now she open her eyes but again she filled with fear as she saw the sheet in front of her.

"Serena… It's me Ash"-said Ash revealing himself from the sheets. Serena blinked at him. New tears filled her eyes. She was about to cry. "Serena I he…"-but before he complete.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now