Kalos Christmas

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The holidays have arrived in the Kalos Region! It's Kalos because I like amour, plus I need more character development in sun and moon!

Ash had just won his eighth and final Kalos badge. It was a tough battle facing against the Snowbelle City Gym Leader, Wulfric and his Ice Type Pokémon, especially his Mega Abomasnow, but he and his team prevailed and won the Iceberg Badge. Now the time has come to begin his training for the upcoming Kalos League in a few months. But first, it's time to celebrate the holidays with his friends.

Today, we find our heroes in their winter clothing passing through the snow filled streets of Lumiose City before they decide to visit Vaniville Town, Serena's hometown where her mother, Grace is planning a Christmas party at her house. Needless to say, the gang is excited to have fun on Christmas while they get to see Serena's home.

"So Serena, are you excited to visit your mom after all this time away?" Asked Clemont as they walked through the streets.
"You bet!" she replied. "I can't wait to see her, Fletchling and Rhyhorn after all this time!"
"I'll bet Vaniville Town must be nice huh?" Guessed Bonnie.
"Oh yes." Said Serena. "It's really nice and quiet there and there are also lots of friendly Pokémon too."
"Sounds good to me." Said Ash.
"But Ash, aren't you disappointed that you and Pikachu wont be able to go back to Kanto for the holidays?" Serena asked in concern.

Indeed, Ash wasn't able to go home to Kanto to spend time with his mother, Delia Ketchum. He got word on the news that all flights out of Kalos have been cancelled due to bad weather leaving Ash, Pikachu and the rest of his Pokémon stuck in Kalos for the season.

"Yeah, but it's alright." he assured. "I'm just a bit sad that I won't spend time with my mom back home. But Serena, are you sure that it's ok with your mom in letting me stay at your place?"
"It was all her idea." Said Serena. "She also heard about the flight cancellations on the news and she insists on you staying at our house as our guest. She even says that she won't take no for an answer."
"Well if she insists, then I guess it's ok for us. Right Pikachu?" Ash asked his partner and best friend.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu happily squeaked.
"My mom also says that she has a special surprise waiting for you at our house." Said Serena.
"A special surprise huh? I wonder what it could be?" he wondered.

The gang soon left Lumiose City and after passing through Route 4, saying hi to Viola and Alexa in Santalune City, Route 3, trekking through Santalune forest, Route 2, Aquacorde Town and Route 1, they finally made it Vaniville Town.

"So this is where you live huh Serena? It's really nice." Complimented Ash. "Kinda reminds me of Pallet Town.
"Pika!" Pikachu agreed.
"Thanks Ash." Serena said with a slight blush.

As they made their way through Serena's hometown, they finally arrived at a large house with a small building on the front lawn with a Rhyhorn sleeping in it.

"Well, here we are!" Serena declared. "Home sweet home!"

Upon hearing her voice, Rhyhorn woke up. It sees Serena and charges straight toward her.

"No no no! Rhyhorn! Wait! Hold it! Stop!" she exclaimed in fear.

But it was too late. Rhyhorn tackled Serena to the ground and was licking her face in affection.

"Ahahahaha! Stop it Rhyhorn! That tickles!" Serena laughed as the Spikes Pokémon licked her.
"Rhyhorn sure is happy to see Serena." Commented Clemont.
"No kidding." agreed Ash. "It must really miss her since she left home."
"Awww, come on Rhyhorn!" Pouted Bonnie. "I want you to tickle me too!

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now