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Ash Ketchum, you may know him as the protagonist of the pokemon anime with the adorable Pikachu, some of you may know him as the idiot who lost to a fire type pokemon with a water type, someone who never aged and never one league, or some of you look at him as someone who needs to be replaced, but real fans of him and the people inside the pokemon world know him as the kind boy who saved the world many times, whether in the movies or not. The locals inside the pokemon world we adore know him as the energetic boy who lost in multiple leagues but still is undoubtedly an incredible trainer.

The people close to him look at him as a huge part of their lives, a person who helped them grow and be the people they are today, someone who was kind and selfless enough to stop their own training to teach them, someone they love, romantic or not. His mother looks at him as her whole life, his best friend looks at him as a brother who also happens to be a rival, his pokemon look at him as their human best friend, someone who saved them from the dangers of the wilderness.

Today, two people will be added to the long list of people who he will help grow. But this time will be different, this time they will help each other as partners, care for each other deeply. Let's meet them, shall we?

Chloe Cerise, describing her is quite hard. Not many people know who she truly is, not even her. But what do people see is that she is calm, a kind soul, she is smart, and a bit judgmental. There is a main part of her that almost everyone knows, she's lost and she doesn't know what to do, and she herself knows that. She was like a seed ready to turn into a beautiful flower, only waiting for the bright sun to shine down on her.

She was walking through the street with her friends, heading to her father's lab to drop her off. While her friends talked to each other about some party, she was lost in thought. Gou had just called her and said that he was heading to the lab as well and by the heaviness of her bag caused by his stacks of homework, it was clear he wasn't going to have fun.

It has been a while she's last saw him, a week exactly. For two people who have known each other since they were babies, that was a lot. He also hasn't been attending school and his grades were dropping drastically. When her teacher informed her of that, she had to refrain herself from calling him right away and sending his ass back to school. But because she knew that wouldn't work considering how stubborn he can be, she just waited for him. Impatiently so.

"Hey Chloe, are you coming with me?"

The maroon-haired girl looked up. "Hmm?" She hummed at her friend, Trisha.

Trisha broke out into a smile knowing that her friend was lost in thought again. "I asked if you wanted to join our sleepover tonight." Mika, their other friend remained silent as she stared at Chloe in slight worry. Her friend being lost in thought wasn't out of the ordinary anymore, it happens a lot these days.

Chloe's face lit up. "Of course!" She said excitedly. Her thoughts about Gou were quickly replaced by the prospect of doing a sleepover with her best friends which they haven't done in a while after she and her family had left for Christmas break and now was the only time they had the opportunity too

They continued chatting about their sleepover until they arrived at Chloe's house.

"Okay then, I'll see you tonight." Chloe waved goodbye to her friends after planning what they were going to do tonight.

"Bye-bye." Trisha waved back.

"Good luck, Chloe," Mika said, referring to Gou.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now