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It was nice weather today. A perfect weather for a pokemon battle between two trainers or we say between two childhood friends and rivals. Yes you guess correct, I'm talking about the pallet teens: Gary Oak, grandson of the most popular pokemon professor Samuel Oak and our hero, champion of Orange Archipelago and Battle Frontier: Ash Ketchum. After a long time they got chance to test each other's skills and why Ash is going to lose this chance? After completing Kalos, Ash was send to a high school somewhere between Kanto and Hoenn. There he found his many friends. Anyway, right now, situation is not in favor of Ash Ketchum. In three-on-three battle, Ash takes a great start by defeating Gary's Electivire and Nidoqueen with the help of his Charlizard. It's not that Ash wants to show off by defeating Gary's pokemons with Charlizard, his most powerful pokemon. After a long time Charlizard is return from Charicific Valley and wants to do some training with his partner Ash, so Ash decide to use him in this battle. This decision is seems in his favor in first but Charlizard lose his some energy in previous two rounds and then finally lost from Gary's starter, Blastoise with having type disadvantage. He then uses Heracross and his decision goes in his favor for a while, but soon Gary manages to beat him when Blastoise's special ability Torrent activates. Using Hydrocanon, Blastoise easily beat Heracross. Now his last hope was his lifelong partner, Pikachu…

So now we join our hero where he was battling his rival Gary.

"Use agility and dodge it"-shouted Ash from one end of the battle field.

"Alright Blastoise, use muddy water and end this now"-commanded Gary from another end and with that, a huge wave of dirty and muddy water attacked Pikachu. When the water gone Pikachu was on ground almost fainted.

"PIKACHU…"-shouted Ash. He clenches his fist tighter.

No way, I'm not going to lose against Gary. Not when Pikachu is on the field.

But soon his thoughts interrupted by a familiar voice. When Ash looks on the field, he found Pikachu is doing his best to stand up.

"Pikachu Pikapi Pika Pikachu"-said Pikachu. Ash was shocked; he didn't believe what his partner said.

"Pikachu…"-he whispered. "…you're the best"-completed Ash.

"Pika Pikachu"-said Pikachu who now fully stand up but still not fully recovered from previous attack.

"Huh? Want me to say this after beat them? Yeah, that's the spirit"-said Ash and raised his fist.

"Hey Ashy boy, are you going to attack or not? Or I finish it right now?"-asked Gary with a smirk.

"You bet, now let's go use Quick Attack"-commanded Ash. Again, Pikachu charged himself towards the turtle pokemon with full speed.

"Blastoise, dodge it"-shouted Gary. But too late, Pikachu was too fast and directly hit Blastoise cause him to fell down.

"Alright, now use Iron Tail"-commanded Ash again and Pikachu, with a mighty jump again directed himself towards Blastoise. His tail starts glowing white and as soon as he reaches there, he turns his body and… There was a huge explosion. "Well done Pikachu"-congratulated Ash.

But for his misfortune, when dust cleared Pikachu's tail was in Blastoise's hand. Right, he catches Pikachu's tail on right time while still on the ground.

"Oh no…"-said Ash shocked right now.

"My Blastoise is not like others, he is quiet fast from them"-said Gary with a cocky smile. Ash was still shocked and didn't say a single word. "Blastoise, throw him on the ground and use slam"-commanded Gary. As soon he got commanded, he throws Pikachu on the ground and stand up with that. He jump on him directly not wanted to let him win.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now