Win and Lose

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It was a tough but well-earned victory for Ash. Not only did he defeat Jeanette Fisher, he won on all four fields: grass, rock, water and ice. The battle with Jeanette was fierce. It looked one-sided when his Bulbasaur drained her Beedrill with Leech Seed, and used Scyther's Double-Team against her with a well-aimed Vine Whip. When Jeanette summoned Bellsprout, Ash was in for a surprise when Bellsprout threw Bulbasaur for a loop, then stopped Pikachu with its own Vine Whip. In what seemed like a last resort, Ash brought out Muk to Jeanette's horror and Misty's surprise. One Body Slam later and the Ketchum smothered the Fisher. In the locker room, Ash, Misty, Brock, Oak, Delia and the Pokémon celebrated Ash's advancement to the main tournament. "I can't believe you won on all four fields, Ash," complimented Misty. "You definitely earned that victory the hard way."

"Gee thanks, Misty," Ash accepted.

"But if it hadn't been for Muk, you'd be out of luck." Muk comically retaliated by trying to Body Slam Misty. "Hey! Muk! I got it! Muk!" Everyone else laughed to Muk and Misty's reaction.

"I'm surprised all the times I've visited, you never did that to me, Muk," Delia giggled.

"That's because you haven't been around Muk as long as I have," Oak pointed out. Ash sighed with a smile.

"Soon, the Round of 16," he realized. "And I still haven't used Charizard, yet." Brock came to Ash's ear with advice.

"Ash, there's a good chance Charizard won't listen," he warned. Ash seemed determined to bring him out at some point.

"It'll work, Brock." Muk settled down, shedding Misty to Body Slam Ash. "Whoa, okay! I may use you again!" Misty glared at Brock and stood in front of him, her face directly at his.

"Now, why did you decide and cheer for Jeanette and not Ash?!" she argued. Brock stuttered at Misty's accusation during the battle.


When Jeanette came out, she brought a cheering squad which Misty noted. "Jeanette has a whole cheering section, but Ash only has you and me," she pointed out.

"Yeah…" Brock awed while admiring Ash's opponent. "Jeanette… She should win." Overhearing the swoon, Misty lashed out while Togepi enjoyed the comedy.

"We're here to root for Ash! Which side are you on, anyway?!" When Bulbasaur tangled Beedrill with Leech Seed, Brock still wanted Jeanette to be on top. "Look, Brock… Leech Seed is sucking up Beedrill's energy!"

"Yeah! I see!" Realizing Brock still fawning over Jeanette, Misty lashed out again.

"You're suppose to be rooting for Ash! Not Jeanette!"

Brock seemed on the defense. "Well…" he stuttered. "You see… I-uh…" Ash and Pikachu sensed hostility and the trainer grabbed Togepi and left.

"How dare you root against someone you've been traveling with!" shouted Delia.

"I thought you two were great friends!" added Misty in her anger.

"Some friend you turned out to be!" Brock couldn't find a way to argue out of his backstabbing on Ash. Oak noticed that Ash wasn't around and followed him outside.

"Trust me, Togepi," Ash assured. "You don't want to hear that from Misty and my mom." Togepi blinked in confusion.

"I can understand taking children out of a heated argument, Ash," Oak bobbed. "And Pokémon should be treated the same way." Ash nodded to Oak's assessment.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now