Nebby's Joint Adventure

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Ash, Pikachu and Nebby laid on the grass in the Conservation Area within the Aether Paradise. The Conservation Area was chock-full of Pokémon enjoying the land around them. Ash's classmates were elsewhere in the Foundation's base of operation. Burnet found and reached Ash and the Pokémon. "You guys seem relaxed," she studied. Ash woke to the professor's words.

"Professor Burnet!" he gulped. "Sorry, I guess I did get a little comfy."

"Not to worry! I wanted to come by for some information." Ash wondered about detail she sought.

"About what?" Pikachu and Nebby woke to see Burnet as well.

"Was this the first time you had a dream which foreshadowed any events yet to come?" Ash pondered in his mind about the past. However, one word stuck out.


"You know, a warning about the future." Detail given, Ash thought about it while Nebby crawled to the visiting trainer.

"Not that I know of." Burnet petted Ash's head.

"Well, always a first." That's when Burnet's phone rang. She answered it. "Professor Burnet…" Hearing the call, she recognized the voice on the other side. "Professor Kukui… Yeah, I'm with him." Ash figured Kukui wanted to know his location. "Alright… I see." She hung the phone. "Professor Kukui just wanted to know where everyone was. No big deal." Burnet's Munchlax emerged from the water after a refreshing swim. Burnet laughed and came to its service. "Okay, Munchlax. Let's dry you up." She left to tend to the Big Eater Pokémon. Nebby crawled up to Ash's shoulder as Pikachu occupied the other. Ash turned to the mysterious Pokémon that originated from his dream.

"I'm sure Professor Burnet didn't mean to wake you up." Nebby didn't mind but suddenly, it started to glow, alerting Ash. "Nebby, wait!" In a flash, Nebby used Teleport. All three vanished. Burnet and Munchlax returned to find the grass abandoned.

"Ash?" Munchlax stared blankly to the grass where Ash laid. Ash and the two Pokémon emerged in a tight place with some dresses. However, he couldn't respond when voices came from beyond the door.

"Mother, how could you say that?!" yelled Lillie.

"What, your own mother can't have an opinion?" scoffed Lusamine. "It's easy to see the progress of your growth with Pokémon like Snowy for instance, and Pikachu from what your classmates are telling me. Ash is a huge influence for your newfound enjoyment to Pokémon."

"Why should it matter to you?! After you and father left, Gladion followed suit, leaving me with Hobbes at the mansion!"

"I'm just thinking about your future… Maybe our future. I wouldn't mind seeing you two grow up together, have a glorious wedding here in the Paradise… Ooh, I'm almost psyched to be a grandmother and play with your children!" Lillie gulped with an embarrassed red face to Lusamine's wishes.

"Mother! I've still got several years before I can think about getting married, let alone have kids of my own!"

"It's never too early to plan ahead for the future! Ash would be a great son-in-law to the family-" Her cellphone rang and she answered. "Talk to me…" She left the room, leaving Lillie with Snowy. The Alolan Vulpix whimpered to Lillie as she sat on the couch.

"Maybe Mother's right. If not for Ash… If he didn't come to Alola… I wouldn't be where I am now! I wouldn't be overcoming my fear of Pokémon, I wouldn't be succeeding in Professor Kukui's classes… It's been Ash who's helped me throughout befriending you and Pikachu." Snowy barked a little before it sensed something nearby. It pawed the scent. "Snowy?" Concerned, Lillie followed to the closet. Snowy pawed the door which Lillie believed her Vulpix made a discovery. "Stay clear. I don't want anything falling on you." Snowy pawed back a few steps when Lillie pulled open the door.

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now