An Unexpected Reunion

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It was a very nostalgic feeling as Ash and Pikachu pressed their faces to the window of the seaplane as they prepared to land in the Unova region again it was almost exactly like the first time they entered the exciting and colorful region even though it wasn't new for them it still felt exhilarating especially since they bringing alone another person this time who they could spend time with in this region. The honey-blond woman leaning on Ash's free shoulder was lightly woken up by her husband.

"Honey, we're almost there," said Ash.

"Uhhh, just five more minutes." Serena groggily said still half asleep.

"Pika pi," said Pikachu (T: if only I had the heart to shock you awake.)

"Don't you dare," said Ash. Serena then conked out on Ash's shoulder again, "Okay maybe as a last resort. But if you do be cautious of the baby alright, Nothing drastic"

Pikachu nodded

Luckily Serena woke up just enough to get off the plane though she was a tad groggy she had made her way to the poke-cafe at the port while Serena got drinks for herself and for her family Ash and Pikachu ran to the edge where the forest started to get a deep breath of the Unovan air. The breeze was at their backs and it felt like a whole other adventure.

"We're coming don't worry, we can't wait to see you guys again," Ash said.

"Pika!" said Pikachu, (T: "Yeah! We'll be there soon.")

"Ash!" Serena called.

"Be right there." Ash and Pikachu immediately ran to Serena who had a table set up with food and drinks."You two just calling out to our little friend?" Serena asked with a knowing smile despite knowing the answer already.

Ash still didn't know how his wife had already figured him out then again it was pretty obvious, "Yeah, thanks for getting us something to eat. That was a long flight."

Serena said, "No problem I thought we could use a break us and our Pokemon which by the way." Serena then grabbed her Pokeballs and said, "Come on out." as she let them all out of their Pokeballs. Ash said, "Yeah come on out." as he tossed his Pokeballs. Out came Braxien, Pancham, and Sylveon as well as a Greninja, Hawlucha, Noivern, Talonflame, and as a surprise Ash's Scraggy who was being trained by Hawlucha and Noivern.

Pikachu said, "Pi pika!" (T: Yes, this is already looking like a great adventure.) before all the Pokemon agreed with the electric mouse with a cry of unison. Ash and Serena laughed light-heartedly.

After a few days of traveling through the Unova region, they were finally almost there they were getting close to Nimbasa city which was supposed to be close to the place where Zorua and Zoroark were supposed to live.

"Ah we're finally here." said Ash.

"It's so amazing sweetie, it reminds me of Lumiose city," said Serena.

Pikachu said, "Pika pika." (T: I agree.)

"It gets even better at night." said Ash.

Pikachu said, "Pika pi." (T: Yeah too bad we didn't get to enjoy it last time.)

Ash said, "Well this time buddy we can take some time to relax and enjoy the sights."

PoKéMoN CHRONICLES Written by LonelyChampionWhere stories live. Discover now