✧˖*°・☆ *☽ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9: Going To Kick Evil's Ass Soon •*¨*•.¸¸☆*・゚

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Wake. Esther had awoken from her very much needed nap.
Her cat Willie was sleeping next to her. She decided that she couldn't move since there was an adorable precious cat by her side. Esther didn't have any dreams and she was glad about that. She wondered what Achernar was planning and how they could possibly stop him. Just the thought of it was starting to give her a headache. She could feel her head pounding from the stress of thinking about what was going to happen and when that would be. Esther and her supernatural friends needed a break for once away from all of this madness that was inevitable.
If only Achernar could stop, but he won't. With a sigh, Esther took her phone from the bedside table. Her clock read the time 6 pm now. The sun was still shining outside, it wasn't dark yet despite it being close to dinner time. She wondered what the archangels were up to downstairs, but since her cat Willie was still sleeping, Esther decided to scroll on her phone. There was a new text from a number she didn't recognize saying: Hey Esther, it's Dschubba :) Thanks for such a nice time at your place <3 It was nice meeting you and the angels! Call or text whenever to discuss a plan. Hope you don't mind that the rest of us also have your number. You probably received some messages from them by now.
Esther smiled and saved Dschubba's number. She noticed that she had other unread messages, some from her friends who visited, but she'll check those later. Checking the new unknown messages, she saw six which were probably from the rest of the deadly sins. Esther saved their numbers. The first was Vega who had said: hi esther its vega ;) thx for having us over! ur pretty xoxoxo
She tried not to scream upon reading the text sexy Vega had sent her. Author, stop it. Next was from Tiaki, the eldest, who texted saying: heyy esther! mr.universally wide handsome tiaki at ur service. call me anytime luv mwah <3 Esther was really trying not to scream or else she'll wake up her cat Willie. The text after was from Aljanah who told her: hii esther its aljanah, u r cool. Then it was Naos who said: OMG HEY ESTHER! It's Naos here. Your awesome girl :D peace!! <3 <3 <3 After that was Spica who texted: hola Esther it's Spica here. ur cute ;)))
Esther had to hit herself on the head to stop from screaming. Lastly was from the youngest, Scheat, who told her: heya esther itz scheat. u got insta? @ me! itscheat._.alinac.
Esther couldn't stop smiling at these messages she received. She responded back to them because while she is the type of person who responds late, she wouldn't leave others on seen.
She told Dschubba: Hey Dschubba :) I'd love for you guys to come over again, thank you <3 It was so nice meeting you all too! Sorry we don't have a plan yet, but I'll definitely let you know when we do. I don't mind, you guys are all so sweet I appreciate it. Esther responded to Vega saying: hii :) of course! that's all you <3 Next she texted back Tiaki: heyy! ofc <3
Then she replied to Aljanah: Heyy Aljanah :) tysm you're the cool one! After that, Esther messaged Naos back: HII Naos! Thank you so much :'D You are the awesome one girl!! <3 <3 <3 She texted Spica saying: Hola, you're the cute one ;) Rizz game on point? Lastly, Esther replied to Scheat's text telling him: hey I'll add you my ig is @_esther.is.lame_
Don't even ask, Esther calls herself lame to beat people before they can say it to her. No one has ever actually called her lame, but she likes to make self deprecating jokes about herself. Basically, Esther insults herself before people do and they don't or she doesn't know. She's just the one constantly insulting herself because she feels lame and thinks her life is lame too. So.damn.lame. Well, one is what they keep calling themselves since they end up thinking it a lot. What Esther needs is some of Tiaki's pride.
Esther opened her Instagram app and followed Scheat who was fast. He followed her before she could even follow him. He texted asking why her username was like that and she responded to him by saying: lol idk bc I'm lame? to which he replied: nah. His account had some pictures of him and photography. Seconds after, the rest of the deadly sins all followed her too. She was surprised and followed them back of course. The legendary seven deadly sins themselves were really popular while having thousands of followers. They were like actual celebrities being social media influencers. Tiaki had the most followers and almost reached over one million. All he needed to do was post pictures of himself. That's what his whole account was about, his face. His username is @tiakiiiiiii._.nachtnebel. Tiaki is a blogger, sometimes posting food or tutorials on how to do things.
Dschubba's username is @dschubbaaaaaaa._.ivy. Her feed was very aesthetically pleasing. There were no pictures of herself because Dschubba is so unaware of how beautiful she is. She would post pictures covering her face, showing her nails or hair, just like the way Esther did on her own account. Esther learned to put herself out there more and shared some selfies while having filters on with her close friends.
Vega's username is @vegaaaaa._.electraaaaaaa. He had just as many followers as Tiaki. Vega was a fashion blogger who shared the outfits he wore. He has a really good sense of style and knows how to dress. His seductiveness just added on to making him the whole package.
Aljanah's username is @yo.aljanah._.zuleikaaaaaaa. She mostly posted videos of herself playing the piano which was amazing. It seemed like she was a songwriter.
Naos's username is @itsurhopenaos._.elrod.sunshine. She mainly shared videos of herself dancing. She's one of the best dancers out there, being able to dance in any way.
Spica's username is @spicaaaaaaa._.no.ladron. He's a YouTuber and does all kinds of videos such as vlogs or viral challenges. Spica is also a singer with a wonderful voice.
Esther wondered what it would be like if her archangel friends had social media. They would have no problem being just as famous. Dschubba texted Esther saying she has a plan and that they're coming over. Esther sprung up from her bed. Luckily, her cat Willie had already woken up and went somewhere else when she didn't notice. Esther replied to Dschubba telling her to come in about an hour because she has to do something, which is to fix herself again, but she didn't say that. After quickly replying like a speedster, she flung her phone on the bed. She rummaged through her clothes and took out a black floral lace sleeve top, matching skinny jeans, and socks. Then Esther ran outside of her bedroom and was on her way to the bathroom until she crashed into something.
Because she didn't expect it, Esther let out a yelp and half screamed from surprise. It was Orion. He was snickering at how she reacted. "Woah. You good?" Esther felt her face getting red. "Y-yeah I'm good. What's up?" Orion raised an eyebrow at her. "Just came to check if you're okay. You seem startled." Esther avoided looking at him because she had just woken up from a nap and didn't want to be seen by him in that state. "Dschubba— Ivy. I hope I said her name right. I have a hard time remembering names. Anyway, the seven deadly sins are coming over in about an hour. Dschubba says she has a plan. Now if you'll excuse me I need to fix myself."
Orion still stood in front of Esther, blocking her way to the bathroom. "You said her name right. Finally some good news that we have a plan. What do you need to fix yourself for? Didn't you already do that?" Esther still didn't look at him. "Can you just move? They're coming and I don't have enough time." Orion smirked. "Oh? Are you trying to fix yourself because you like some of them like Vega?" Esther's face reddened and she smacked him. "N-no! I just woke up from a nap and look like a mess right now. Do you mind?" Orion was laughing at her now being extremely amused. "What? You look fine. You're doing too much. Didn't you just take a shower like right after they left earlier?" Esther started hitting him on the head since he wouldn't move. "You supernatural beings don't have to worry since apparently you guys always look fine. I'm human! Now move out of my way before I make you move!"
The fallen star had a smug look on his face. "Make me." Esther started pushing him and when that didn't work she was shaking him like the way her friend Alina had done to her a few hours ago. "Chill! You don't even hit your friends like the way you do to me." Orion still didn't move and held her back with one hand, not breaking a sweat from the effort which was nothing to him. "I'll have you know that when I was younger people used to complain that I'm violent. My dad taught me self defense. One girl accidentally hit herself on my arm and complained saying she got hurt by me. I have strong bones! You're not human so you can take it, but normal people can't if I hit them." Esther kicked at him, but he stepped to the side evading her attacks.
"Just because I'm not human and can take it doesn't mean you should keep hitting me because you like it. Violence isn't always the answer. Let's be civilized." Orion seemed very entertained by this. "Then move out of my way!" Esther crossed her arms and gave up trying to push him, because he wouldn't budge. He shrugged. "Okay. Have fun." Orion walked away as if nothing happened. Esther fumed at him but didn't want to waste anymore time. She took another quick shower and changed into her fresh pair of clothes.
Esther looked in the mirror and sighed. Why did she have to be so lame compared to the rest of them? She curled her lashes and put on some rose colored tinted lip balm. Patting down her wavy curls, she frowned at her reflection and decided there was nothing else she could do. Staring in the mirror won't change a thing. She put on a pair of fake crystal black dangling earrings. The real ones are too expensive. She's broke of course, just a normal human. Esther walked out of the bathroom and nearly crashed into Orion again! "What are you doing out here?" He handed Esther her phone. "You were taking so long. Dschubba says they're almost here." Esther looked down at the text she received. "What? Already?" Orion looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Yeah. Why were you taking so long?" He looked at her. "You don't need to do so much just relax. You're more than fine." Esther felt herself blushing. He walked up to her, but she knew what he was about to do and smacked him.
"Orion, don't even think about it. Leave it." She smacked his hand away which reached for her eyes. "You don't need to wear those things that you put on your eyes though. It's absurd. You look the same with or without them. Stop trying to change your eye shape. There's really no need at all for you to do that Esther. Quit being ridiculous."
"It makes my eye shape look nicer and rounder. Just leave them please. Let me have my perfect double eyelids. It took time and effort to place them perfectly." Esther slapped his hand away again as he tried to reach out and pull the strips away from her eyes. He rolled his eyes at her and shook his head in disapproval. "I like your real natural eye shape."
Esther walked up to him. "Lemme ask you something." She tried to change the subject because if he removed what she had on her eyes just after she fixed herself, she was going to kill him. "What?" Orion had his arms crossed and waited for her to ask him what she wanted. "Well....about yesterday. Um...."
"Go on, spit it out." He looked confused. "Uh...so... Which one of you had to carry me home while I was...you know..out. Was I heavy? Did I snore? I wanted to apologize to you guys for the trouble. It sucks being human, you know. That's never happened to me before and the fact that one of you had to carry me is embarrassing." Orion just stared at her. Then he pat her head like she was a cat. Did he mistaken her as Willie? "Don't worry about it. You're not heavy and you didn't snore. That's what's been weighing on your mind? Oh come on. It's normal for something like that to happen. You had just been in a war of life and death. Of course you'd be exhausted, it's only natural. You've done more embarrassing things than that in the little time I've known you. Quit worrying about such meaningless stuff."
Esther scratched her head feeling embarrassed. "I see...so you were the one w-who carried me..." Orion poked her on the forehead. "It's not a problem Esther. Forget about it."
"Don't poke my face, I just fixed myself!" He was laughing now. "Well you like to poke my face. That's payback." Esther found herself stuttering which she never did in front of him from when they had met a few days ago. "T-that's different! I like your face so I can poke you. You can't do it back!" Orion was about to poke her again, but she smacked his hand. "What? You're not making any sense. Are you sure you're feeling okay? If you can annoy me by poking my face, I'll do the same back. It's only fair. And I like your—" The doorbell rang. Esther ran down the stairs and nearly tripped if it wasn't for Orion behind who caught her. "So clumsy. You're such a klutz."
She glared at him. Rigel opened the door and Cassiopeia stood beside him. The seven deadly sins stood outside Esther's door and waved at them. "Hi again!" Naos ran inside and went over to hug Esther who hugged her back. "I love your outfit! You look hot Esther."
"Oh n— Thank you! That's all you." She told Naos who had her magenta hair up. Naos wore a dark pink fishnet dress with matching tights. Her makeup was done glamorously with dark glitter eyeshadow and hot pink eyeliner while wearing glittery black lipstick. She had on a pair of expensive looking chandelier earrings made of real crystals. Her glittery pink and black nails along with her whole look was to die for. Naos removed her black boots and put them near the doorway. "This is perfect. We're going to a club which is where Achernar's hideout is."
The rest of the deadly sins removed their shoes and came inside. Vega kindly closed the door behind him. He was dressed in a red silk dress shirt, dark pants, and silver dangle earrings looking entrancing. Esther avoided looking at him. "Achernar is hiding out in a club of all places?" Orion asked. "It makes sense that he would choose a club. Evil energy always resides there because it's a place for trouble." Dschubba said and the fallen star nodded in understanding because that did make sense. She had on a stunning emerald lace dress with a matching diamond necklace to top it off. "The plan is to take out as many of his forces as we can. It won't be easy to take him down, so we'll have to plan on the spot when we come across him." Aljanah explained while wearing a flowing sleeve burnt citrusy orange shirt which almost resembled flames at the edges and dark gray jeans.
"Can I just say that we all look fabulous? We are a fine bunch indeed." Tiaki nodded his head in approval at all of them. His pastel violet hair was styled upwards and he had on a dark purple dress shirt along with matching pants. "We need to take a picture together." Spica smiled and took his phone out. He wore a golden silk dress shirt with a blazer and dark pants. Willie came up to greet Scheat who bent down to pet the cat. Scheat had on an all black suit with his glasses on.
"Esther, would you mind if we all took a picture together and posted it later?" Spica asked her. "Oh... I'm not very photogenic. I don't wanna get hate from your followers." Esther started fidgeting with her hands. "Nonsense! The photos you have on your account are very good. Our followers will love you just like they love us! There's no reason to hate because you blend in with us Esther." Tiaki said. "Trust me Esther, you look great. We take the best photos and our followers will love you I promise!" Naos put an arm around her and Orion glared. "If she doesn't want to take the picture, then she doesn't want to."
"That's a shame." Vega pouted and Esther was blushing madly, avoiding eye contact with him. She couldn't look at him, not when he was dressed so seductively. "I... Could you guys put a filter on me or photoshop my face? Send me the picture later and I'll decide. I'll probably tell you to cover me with an emoji."
"You don't need a filter or photoshop. Don't worry so much." Dschubba told her and Esther thought she was a queen just like Cassiopeia. "We'll take the picture and send it to you later. We won't post it if you're not okay with that." Spica said. Esther thanked them and responded by saying she appreciated their understanding. "I know I'm pretty high maintenance, sorry guys." Aljanah put a hand on Esther's shoulder patting her as reassurance. "Oh that's nothing. Tiaki is the definition of high maintenance. He takes like 50 selfies before deciding which ones to choose and they all look the same. He's always bomboarding us asking which ones to pick."
"It takes time and effort in choosing the right one!" Tiaki flipped his hair dramatically and started laughing at himself. "Let's take a picture and go already!" Naos was jumping up and down. "Do we have to—" Orion scowled. "You of all people shouldn't even be complaining while looking like that." Scheat told him. Orion looked confused. "What's that supposed to mean?" Everyone just stared at him and then ignored Orion. Was he really that oblivious while looking the way that he does? Esther was about to smack him on the head again and burst out laughing. Must be nice to be so perfect and completely unaware, not having to worry about his looks at all, a luxury she couldn't relate to.
"A picture altogether would be nice. This could be a wonderful memory to cherish." Cassiopeia said with a smile and they all swooned at her. "Yes I agree," said Rigel and everybody smiled at him with eyes full of love like they were under his spell.
"Alright, why don't we go outside and take a picture? And maybe not in front of Esther's house because we don't want fans to know where she lives. She'll definitely have pursuers and secret admirers. Some of our fans are crazy and stalkerish." Spica said.
"What—" Esther didn't like the sound of that. "We can just take the picture in front of the club." Aljanah shrugged. "So we're gonna pose and post a picture right in front of Achernar's hideout? What if he has social media himself and somehow sees right after we surprise attack him?" Spica made a good point. Everyone else shrugged because sure why not? "Going to kick evil's ass soon but first, let's take a selfie! Surprise Achernar! We're gonna take a selfie first before we trample on your evil plans. BOO!" Tiaki made himself laugh upon saying this which made the others start cracking up.
"But wait... Is that a limo?" Esther asked incredulously as she pointed to the limo in front of her house. "Yes, let's go for a ride babes!" Vega made his way over to the limo and opened it, gesturing for everyone to go inside. Esther slipped on a pair of burnished ankle length boots and grabbed her bag full of Cassiopeia's neverending weapons as quickly as she could. They all went in and Esther could not believe it. She's never even been in a limo before. "We're gonna kick Achernar's ass but first let's take a selfie!" Naos squealed. This was just too chaotic and unfunny. It's not only a fantasy, but a corny lame comedy where everyone is unrealistically attractive. Where's the action??? Like damn. What even is this?! Get on with the story already! Stop dilly dallying you sucky @$#*% author!

(John 15:12-13)
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

Wake (E-bow)
by Crywolf
Six words on the tip of my tongue, girl
I never thought I'd get this close
'Cause you're so beautiful
The darkness of your soul
Two friends take a step in the darkness
Won't you throw me on the ground
Grab me by the heels and drag me down
Down, down, down, down, down?
One look and my fingers are numb, now
Bring a rope
Won't you tie all your kisses around my throat?
Pull me close, let me know I'm done
I can tell from the smoke in your lungs, girl
You're not alone
I'm terrified by the presence inside your bones
It pulls you down, down, down, down
Songwriters: Justin Phillips, Alexander Phillips
Album: Cataclasm

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