✧˖*°・☆ *☽ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 15: Stars Wish Upon Other Stars. Your eyes tell •*¨*•.¸¸☆*・゚

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Orion awoke as God's light shone in from the windows.
           The sun rises as it's another day. He rubbed his eyes, still feeling tired. Taking on the weight of the world is not an easy task. Days go by, that turn into months, which turn into years. Time waits for no one. Life goes on. The world still exists regardless of who and what doesn't anymore. Everything goes. Orion looked over to see his sun who hadn't risen yet.
            Esther was sleeping peacefully, looking as beautiful as ever without any worries or troubles of what happened the night before. She didn't need to be sleeping beauty, for she was to him, Orion's sweet dream, his miracle. He was a star who wished upon another star and that was her, while she was wishing upon him. Even stars wish upon other stars.
             Orion caressed her hair, running his hands through Esther's messy wavy curls as gently as he could. While she thought he was an art piece, if only she could see what he saw through his eyes. His image of her was one that was perfection. He loved all of what she hated and thought were imperfections, because those are what made her, her. It's all of what made her perfect. Orion got up from the bed moving very silently. He could have admired her all day long, but he forced himself to get so far away. No matter how tired he was, she replenished his energy.
              To love someone as if they were your soulmate after just having met days ago is pure madness. It's absurd. He didn't believe in soulmates. But it was like love at first sight, mind, heart, and soul which instantly connected them towards each other like they were being pulled to one another by some mystical force. He opened the door and went out, closing it quietly behind him. Orion loved her. Loving like he never had before. He didn't know what to make out of it or how to feel. To be consumed by love is better than to be taken over by that of hate. He once let himself be swallowed by hate at those who ripped away his wings, violating him, and made him lose everything.
             Orion realized though, that they weren't to blame even though they took away what made him feel whole. He lost everything when he chose to let his hatred take over. The darkness almost consumed him. If Orion hadn't bumped into Esther when he was so full of rage, he might have fallen further beyond saving. She saved him, catching him before he could fall even more. And he saved her, catching her before she could fall. They were each other's wings, the sun and the moon. Perhaps, they didn't have to say that they loved each other. They could feel it within their actions and words. They can see the love for one another through their eyes. Eyes are the key to one's soul. Eyes tell everything. Your eyes tell.
               As Orion made his way quietly down the stairs, everyone else was still sleeping. Cassiopeia was asleep on the sofa, while Naos and Aljanah were sleeping together on the couch. Vega and Scheat were asleep on the floor hugging one another. Rigel was sleeping on the settee all the way towards the back of the living room. Spica was asleep on a set of chairs, all formed in a row to form a DIY makeshift bed to lie down on. Willie the cat slept on top of him. Tiaki and Dschubba were sprawled out on the dining table, sleeping within each other's arms. It was a sight that even made the fallen star who had once been an archangel himself smile. The sunlight poured through the windows like a comforting embrace from God, enveloping all the stars in warmness and light. Birds chirped and sang happily from outside. The clock on the wall read 10 in the morning.
               Orion went over to his brother Rigel and put a blanket over him. His silvery hair with strands of blue sparkled. All of the sleeping stars looked peaceful, without any troubles or worries of what was soon to come. Orion wished he could live in this moment forever. He wanted time to stop. Willie the orange tabby seemed to sense his presence and came over to greet him. Orion bent down and pet the adorable cat while smiling. He hasn't felt this happy in so long before his fall. The fallen star hasn't been this happy since...he had his wings. He learned that he could still fly and feel free even without his wings which once made him whole. Esther was his wings. He was flying with freedom because he wasn't alone. Orion wasn't a lone star. He had other stars by his side, walking alongside him. He'd only just met them, but now he couldn't imagine his life without them.
              His brother Rigel has always been with him from very the moment the two related stars have coexisted with each other since the beginning of time itself. When they received God's blessings to become angels in Heaven by God's side, it gave meaning to his whole existence. God gifted him with a purpose. Orion had a purpose in being here. To fight against the evils of this world. To give help to those who need it. He had loved Cassiopeia once. She even loved him and his brother too, but continued devoting herself to God. Cassiopeia didn't need to be tied down romantically. Then just days ago, Orion met Esther. She was his sun in which he never knew he needed. They needed each other but didn't know it. God brought them together through destiny. It was their faith. Soulmates always find their way to each other. A soulmate doesn't always have to be romantic love. It could also be platonic in a sense. It's finding the ones who make you whole again. The one who will pick you up or catch you when you're falling and can't get back up. Each and every one of them were eleven stars uplifting one another. You can always wish upon stars. Stars wish upon other stars. Shooting stars fall when their wishes come true. Falling isn't always bad because you learn how to fly. You grow your own wings to catch yourself and keep flying higher and higher until you can reach and touch the sky. There's not a star in Heaven that we can't reach if we're trying, we'll break free. We're all soaring and flying. Touch the skies darling. If you're drowning, swim yourself ashore. If you can't swim, find your anchor. Learn to breathe underwater to save yourself if there's no savior coming for you. God always grants your wishes if you're good. God always gives us a choice of free will to choose. We can't only just choose what we want. We must choose to do what is right too. Choosing to be good.
             Orion chose not to let the darkness take over him. He chooses to be good even if he can't go back to who he used to be before his fall. Fallen angels and forsaken ones can be redeemed. Everyone can still right their wrongs. Redemption is for all of us. Even those who are wickedly evil can be saved. Demons can as well. Anything is possible. There is nothing impossible in a world where we have the freedom and will to choose what we want to do. We have the power to choose who we want to be. So if you're bad, the will to be good overpowers everything else. Just because you're bad, doesn't mean you are incapable of change. We are given the power to change ourselves, even if you're born bad. Wanting to be good means that you haven't fallen beyond saving. Those who suffer their punishments in hell all get a chance when serving their time for their sins is up. Everybody gets a chance to do good. But if you keep making the same mistakes over and over again by choosing to be and do bad with all the chances you get, that's because of your own choices. It's the free will given to us that was used wrongly. God lets us choose whether we want to do what is right or wrong. For those who choose wrong, that's their choice. Every choice has consequences. Choose wisely. No one is powerless. We have the power to choose.
              Dschubba stirred. She untangled herself from Tiaki while getting up from the table. Tiaki reached out for her in his sleep, murmuring something and rolled over. He would have fallen to the floor if Dschubba didn't catch him. She pushed him back and he tried grabbing for her saying things that were unintelligible. Dschubba noticed Orion standing there and smiled sleepily at him. He smiled back, but noticed there were tears in her green eyes. The fallen star mouthed to her asking what's wrong. She shook her head and tiptoed over to the kitchen as he followed. "Are you okay?" Orion asked her. Dschubba wiped some tears from her eyes which were still watery. "Y-yeah sorry. I saw my grandmother in my dream and met my parents who I never got to meet. They're waiting for me in Heaven."
              Orion put his hand over her shoulder but wavered, not sure how to be of comfort to her. She smiled at him. "It's okay. It was beautiful getting to meet them after so long. You've probably lived a much longer life than I have." The fallen star's eyes changed from obsidian to ocean green and gold. "We have all been here for a long time. God has given each of us a purpose in this world." Dschubba nodded. "Yes that is true." She yawned while covering her mouth to hide it. "I want to make some breakfast. Do you think that would be okay with Esther? What does she like?"
             "Yeah I think that would be more than fine. She likes pancakes."
Dschubba stretched out her arms. She was still wearing the same emerald lace dress from the night before. Everyone was wearing the same clothing it seemed. Orion still had on his dark hoodie and pants from days ago when he had fallen. "I can do pancakes. I can make something even better." Dschubba rummaged through Esther's kitchen utensils, taking out some pots and pans. She got to work fairly quickly. "Do you need any help?" Orion watched as she cracked some eggs and mixed them into a frying pan while sprinkling ingredients on them. "Nah. You should wake the others up. Just yell or hit them until they wake up."
              Orion came out of the kitchen and saw Tiaki who was falling off the table again. He nudged the seventh deadly sin of pride back so that he wouldn't fall and end up on the floor. Tiaki mumbled something in his sleep. His pastel violet hair was sticking out from all sides of his head. Willie the cat rubbed against Orion's feet and went into the kitchen to be fed by the seventh deadly sin of envy. Spica was mumbling and talking to himself in Spanish while sleeping. "Ay loca caliente. Te amo mama. Ayyy no."
             Aljanah ended up pushing Naos onto the floor. "Ow! W-wha? Who? What—" Naos sat on the floor and blinked her pink eyes, rubbing at them. The seventh deadly sin of gluttony seemed to not know who she was or where she was. She looked like she didn't know what time period she was in. "You good?" Orion whispered as he reached a hand out to help her up. Naos stared at him. She smiled and jumped up to her feet, taking his hand. "Oooh! Good morning Orion. Thank you." She spoke loudly and cheerfully skipped off into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. The seventh deadly sin of wrath groggily sat up looking like she was going to unleash her wrath for being woken up. Aljanah looked up at Orion and nodded as if to say "sup my dude". Her amber eyes were glazed and she looked like she was in a daze or trance.
           Orion nodded back at her. She lay down again, turned her back towards him, and went back to sleep. Her natural fiery red hair was like flames of waves falling across her back. And sexy Vega? Author STOP IT. Vega was moaning softly, looking like he was having some wet dream. The seventh deadly sin of lust was lusting way too early in the morning! Scheat, who hugged him in his arms, was snoring, his mouth slightly open. The seventh deadly sin of sloth looked like a very cute sloth with his messy icy blue hair.
             The seventh deadly sin of greed sat up, seeming to have woken up from a very good dream. He muttered something that sounded like "Mi amor. Ay ay ay." He saw Orion and waved at him. His sandy blond hair turned curly overnight. There was a hint of sadness within his golden eyes. Orion waved back. Spica went into the kitchen to join Dschubba. Something smelled good. Whatever delicious foods Dschubba was making had filled the air pleasantly. Scheat woke up, sniffing and his nose wrinkled cutely. He got up and removed himself from Vega who rolled over. "Wassup." Scheat said to Orion, who nodded a greeting at him. He went into the kitchen probably because he smelled some good food. Willie the cat came out seeming happy and well fed. The chonky orange tabby just looked even more adorable now. Willie went over to Vega, rubbing itself all over him and meowing.
             Vega opened his vampy red eyes slowly and saw the cat on top of him. He picked Willie up and held the cat within his arms as he got up. "Hi handsome. Don't you look fine this morning? Do you wake up looking this good all the time?" He was talking to the cat, right? Orion's eyes looked like they were about to fall out like they always do whenever Vega teased him by harmlessly flirting playfully in a manner that was friendly. Vega purred at Orion, who didn't say anything and just awkwardly smiled which looked more like a grimace. With a chuckle, Vega made his way over into the kitchen, turning around to wink and seductively smirk at Orion while shaking his behind at him as he walked. Thickkkkk. Cake. Author will unalive herself.
                Orion coughed as he was hella confused, not knowing what to think of that. That was one hell of a confusion to him, leaving the fallen star extremely puzzled. How absurdly puzzling. Tiaki jostled and jumped up from the table he was lying down on. He seemed startled as he woke up. "Morning!" Tiaki slid off the table and fist bumped Orion as a greeting and the fallen star gave him a head nod. "Hey, hey bro. Looking just as good as me." He went over to the kitchen, nearly tripping over his own feet which caused him to almost bump into the wall. Tiaki laughed at himself. His laughter being that of a windshield wiping noise sound effect. If you go to the internet and google that, you'll come across it. Squeak, squeak, squeak. AHA HA Ha hA!
                Cassiopeia was already up. Her snowy white curly hair twinkled as the light shone down on her, making her midnight ebony skin glitter beautifully. She rose to her feet and smiled at Orion. Her rainbow eyes were sparkling. Orion smiled at her, but had to force himself to look away. It was easy to get lost in her eyes. So easy to get lost within her captivatingly divine and ethereal beauty. "A blessed morning Orion. Did you sleep well?" Orion nodded. "Yes, have you Cassiopeia?"
                "Why yes, I have." She looked over at Rigel who hadn't woken up yet. Cassiopeia and Orion both chuckled softly. Aljanah was still asleep. The rest of the deadly sins knew better to just let her sleep and not awaken her or else she'll unleash her wrath upon them. Dschubba came out of the kitchen holding a plate of delicious food. Tiaki and Spica helped her bring other foods she made as they placed them onto the table. Scheat and Vega brought out cups filled with drinks. Fresh coffee filled the air. Willie the cat seemed full. He ran up the stairs, probably wanting to go and be with Esther who was still sleeping. She needed the rest after everything that happened lately. It was all too much for her. Everyone understood that as they themselves were tired carrying the weight of this world. Supernatural beings or not, everybody needs a break. Even God rested on the seventh day after creating the world. Sunday is a day of rest. Today was Thursday, March 27th. They all needed to stop Achernar before it was too late. Time wasn't going to wait for them as it waits for no one.
              Naos came out of the bathroom. She was barefaced without any makeup, managing to look even more beautiful with a fresh face that showed more of her vitiligo. Her magenta hair was braided to the side. "Is that besan cheela? My fave! Dschubba's cooking is the best." She squealed and ran over to the table, taking a seat. "Don't forget our famous chilli cheese toast which is the best!" Tiaki smiled proudly as he high-fived Dschubba. "Hope you guys can handle some good chili!" Spica licked his lips and smacked them together as he stared at the food resisting the urge to be drooling all over it. "Medu vada yum yum yummy!" Scheat took a seat next to Naos and started digging into the food. "You guys have got to try the masala omelet, it's Heaven." Vega sat down beside Scheat and sipped some freshly brewed coffee as he added tons of sugar with cream in it. Dschubba smiled as she wiped her forehead. She had tied her dark brown hair back with green highlights into a ponytail. Her bangs were clipped up which showed her beautiful face.
            "Let's check on Esther! We can cheer her up." Naos was about to go up the stairs, but Dschubba pulled her arm back. "Let her sleep. She needs the rest after everything." Naos nodded with understanding and went over to sit next to Scheat. Spica took a seat beside Naos. Dschubba went over to sit with Spica. Tiaki put his arm around Orion to bring him over to the table. He had the fallen star sit down next to Dschubba. Cassiopeia took a seat beside Orion. "Oh this food looks wonderful. I didn't know food could look so beautiful." Tiaki smiled proudly and looked at Dschubba. "Dschubba's cooking along with mine tastes just as beautiful as it looks! Beautiful just like all of us. Dig in!" He was about to stuff his mouth with some chilli cheese toast, but Aljanah had woken up and threw a pillow straight at his face. "Not at my face!" He flung the pillow back at her, but missed. The seventh deadly sin of wrath yawned as she made her way over to sit across from Cassiopeia and next to Vega.
              Rigel woke up because of all the noise. He smiled as he came over to them. "Good morning. I hope you all slept well with good dreams." Everyone looked at him with eyes of love because he was so sweet along with Cassiopeia, being literal angels. Orion was the sweetest angel too, but he liked to hide that with a salty ice exterior which was slowly melting. His brother Rigel sat down next to Aljanah who was across from Naos. "Let us say grace and thank God for this amazing meal. Thank you Dschubba for making all of this." Rigel looked like he was about to drool like a puppy. If he had a tail, it would be wagging. His silver eyes were twinkling excitedly with hues of blues and gold, looking forward to try this new delicious meal he'd never seen before.
              They all put their hands together to pray, doing the sign of the cross first with their eyes closed. Rigel and Cassiopeia recited the prayer for grace before receiving meals as the rest repeated along with them. "Amen." They said altogether once finished. "But wait!" Rigel picked up his fork and was about to start devouring the food, but he looked around. "Shouldn't we wait for Esther?" Cassiopeia asked as she noticed one missing chair for the brightest star, being the sun, who wasn't with the other stars. "Yeah, we should wait for her." Spica said as he slapped his own hand, putting down his food. They all waited in silence, staring at the food for a few moments. It was around 10:45 am now.
             "I can't take it anymore! The food is just begging me to eat it! I can't wait." Scheat groaned. Naos' stomach growled. "Okay let's just eat. I'm sure Esther will join us soon." Tiaki said. They all attacked the food. "I've never tried anything this good in my life." Orion's taste buds were delighted by the treat. "You all should try Esther's pancakes! They are just as marvelous." Rigel said in between bites of food. "I wish Esther was here already." Vega pouted. "She'll be here soon." Dschubba said.
              All of the ten stars sat and ate together, enjoying their delicious breakfast. They waited for their eleventh star.

(John 9:5)
5 "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

Your eyes tell
by BTS
Why are my eyes filled with tears?
Hey, stay by my side and laugh
A future withoutyouis a worldwithout color
Filled with monochrome coldness
Even thedarkness we see is so beautiful
Please believe me
Looking only directlyatyou
Soyou don't goaway
Whatever lies inour way
Look far into the distance
The place you gave me is still
Where my heart entrusts
Shadows of the past keep on chasing me
But the more I try to escape and struggle, the more it follows
But I still want to hold onto it, wherever you are I'll find you
To a tomorrow of us
Even it seems to be the beginning of the end
I'll call your name
The gazing eyes are so colorful
I'll give my everything to you
Still unable to verbalize
The hopeless dream in my heart
To face the past and the future
How much hope is needed to reach you
It's nights like these that I keep on thinking
In the city at dusk
To be loved
To love someone
I'll become your eye
For the adventure that lies ahead
Even the darkness we see is so beautiful
Please believe me
Looking only directly at you
So you don't go away
The gazing eyes are so colorful
You taught me
That someday the sadness
Will wind us together
Songwriter: Jeon Jungkook

by Hurts
I've never felt this far from God
I almost feel like giving up again
In my bones, in my blood
There's a sickness I'd change if I could
But the fire that rages inside me
Erased all the good
Father, help me, do you understand?
All my life, I've been a wicked man
Show me mercy and comfort me
I need to find redemption
(I'm just trying to find some)
(I'm just trying to find some)
I've never been this far from peace
I'm disappearing out of reach again
In my head, in my heart
There's a hollow that's starting to show
It's the poison that fills up the void
And it's taking a hold
Father, help me, do you understand?
All my life, I've been a wicked man
Show me mercy and comfort me
I need to find redemption
(I'm just trying to find some)
(I'm just trying to find some)
Songwriters: Adam Anderson / Theo Hutchcraft

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