✧˖*°・☆ *☽ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 10: Say Stars! Holy- Sucky plan. One step behind •*¨*•.¸¸☆*・゚

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"This is so fancy." Esther was having a hard time containing her excitement of being in a limo. For the first time!
           Orion looked unimpressed with his arms crossed while deep in thought. The fallen star who had once been an archangel had a slight frown adorning his perfect face. He was probably worried about how they were going to take Achernar down, which obviously won't be easy. With Achernar being the antagonist he is and all that, he'll be expecting them coming to surprise attack him which wouldn't be so much of a surprise after all.
           Cassiopeia and Rigel looked around with their multicolored changing eyes twinkling like stars. They seemed fascinated. Their light hair was sparkling under the lights. Naos was smiling, tapping away at her phone. "Sweet ride right?" Tiaki was taking multiple selfies of himself while making duck faces. Aljanah smacked him and he dropped his phone, which Vega caught smoothly and handed it back to Tiaki. Esther, Orion, Rigel, and Cassiopeia sat next to each other. Dschubba and Naos were sitting near them. Tiaki, Aljanah, Vega, Spica, and Scheat were sitting on the opposite side across from the rest. Just 11 stars chilling in a limo, no big deal. Esther was fidgeting with her hands and looking down at the floor because she could feel Vega's gaze on her. Orion glared at him and he winked at the fallen star which made him roll his eyes.
          "So Orion. Will you go on a date with me?" Vega teased. Orion's eyes looked like they were about to fall out if its sockets. Everyone else was trying not to laugh. "Vega don't be loco." Spica told him. "Sorry but I'm not—" Orion looked out the window. "We're all gay here. Gay means happy!" Tiaki said and started laughing at himself. "Gay." Even Aljanah was laughing. "Gayyyy." Scheat had to push his glasses up to stop them from falling because he laughed too hard. The whole limo erupted in chaotic laughter from the seven deadly sins. Esther, Rigel, and Cassiopeia were trying real hard not to laugh with them. Orion seemed bored.
          "O-okay— S-stop it y-you guys. W-we're here." Dschubba patted her dress down to smooth it out and tried her best to compose herself. She was still shaking from laughing so when Dschubba spoke it was through fits of giggles that she tried holding back but couldn't. Tiaki always managed to make serious situations so unserious. It took them about twenty minutes or so to get there which wasn't that long. They all got out of the limo and stood in front of Achernar's secret hideout club which read: PARTY PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG! "Geez. Even his club name is lame." Aljanah yawned, already looking like she was about to fall asleep. The limo drove off and Esther couldn't even see who the driver was to thank them. Tiaki paid the driver handsomely before they left with a generous amount of cash. Vega checked his phone. "It's 7 now. We should be just in time." The blinking neon lights from Achernar's club illuminated through the dark. People all dressed up were going in and out of the club; drinking, chatting, dancing, laughing, taking pictures, and making out with each other. Esther just realized she's never been clubbing. Well, there's a first time for everything apparently. Her friends always tried to make her go, but she refused. Now she's going to stop evil. If she could even do anything... Esther was surrounded by stupidly attractive badass warriors who hopefully knew what they were doing. She felt so out of place.
               Naos put an arm around Esther and Dschubba who bumped into Aljanah, which woke her up since she was already half asleep while just standing there. "Picture time!" Spica went to stand next to Naos who was close to Orion, Cassiopeia, and Rigel. Vega was near Aljanah along with Tiaki, and Scheat. They all smiled as Tiaki handed his phone to a random girl and asked her to take a picture for all of them. Esther did her best to smile. She's always been told that her smiles in pictures looked fake or that she wasn't smiling when she was. She just couldn't smile naturally for photos and had to force it. Being surrounded by all of these supernatural people was a bit overwhelming with how they stood out compared to her.
               "Say stars!" Naos said and they all repeated after her except for Orion who didn't even need to smile. Just him standing there was enough. "STARS!" was the new "Cheese!" Tiaki put bunny ears on Scheat. The girl who took a picture for them wore a sleeveless sapphire dress with outstanding red lipstick on her plump lips. She had long straight strawberry blonde hair and greenish gold eyes with her black winged eyeliner. The girl handed Tiaki back his phone and looked at them all. "The picture came out great! You guys are the hottest bunch. Wanna hang out with my friends and I?" She tried rubbing up against Orion with her bosoms hanging out. He had a disgusted look on his face and moved away from her. "What's wrong baby? You're so my type, let's get to know each other. Am I not good enough for you?" She pouted with her lips puckering out. "Pardon me— Sorry it's not that...but I'm not interested." The girl gave up and went over to Vega.
           Esther thought Orion must have liked girls with flat chests because the girl who was flirting with him looked like a model. Oh wait. She wanted to smack herself on the head. He's an angel and doesn't have a dirty mind. That's how she knows he's not bad. If he's bad, then she's even worse when it comes to being bad. "Tiaki! Show us the picture. I'm dying to see it!" Naos exclaimed as she jumped up and down. "I don't even have to look at it to know that we all look good!" Tiaki slapped his thigh, seeming proud of himself. "We can look at it later. Let's get down to business for what we came here to do." Dschubba said. Aljanah put her hijab over her head. "Action time."
          "Finally." Orion nodded at Dschubba and Aljanah who both blushed. "You guys are the only sane level headed ones." Aljanah smirked. "Of course. We're not all crackheads. Who are they? I dunno them." She made a gesture at the rest of her deadly sins crew and high fived Dschubba who snickered. Esther thought Orion liked those two. Tiaki was cackling at something, probably his own joke that he made. Dschubba whistled at the deadly sins to get their attention and they stopped messing around. Esther with her archangel and seven deadly sins friends all went inside the club. Aljanah went in first.
              The club was loud with techno disco music and popular songs trending. It was crowded, bodies were dancing and rubbing against each other. Orion scowled. "Hey daddy." A girl with unnatural red hair purred at him. "Do I look like your father?" He walked right past her. "How ridiculously absurd! She thought I was her dad." Orion was so innocent and pure. "I'm daddy or I can be your mommy anything you want me to be sweet cheeks." Tiaki puckered his lips at her. "Which cheeks do you want to clap? Let's have a threesome or I'll do all of you." She blew a kiss at them. "What is the matter with you? You are disturbing—" Orion gave the girl his most distasteful look of revolting detestation. Esther was going to make fun of him until a tall towering guy came up to her. "Hey love, I like your look. What are you?" The guy was wearing a burgundy suit and had light brown hair gelled up. "Thank you... I'm human." He laughed. "Cute. I meant what's your race? Ya know, your ethnicity? Are you Spanish? Your hair is nice." Before Esther could respond, Orion glared at the guy sending daggers at him but he didn't seem to care. Spica came up and put his arm around Esther, but didn't actually touch her. He looked at the guy and said something to him in Spanish which made him go away. "Was he bothering you?" Spica took his arm away from Esther as the seventh deadly sin of greed carefully made sure he wasn't touching her. "Thank you Spica." Esther smiled at him and he playfully winked. "Anytime chica." Orion seemed to approve of Spica since he stopped glowering.
               People were gaping at Cassiopeia and Rigel, being too afraid to come up to the archangels. A group of girls looked like they hated Esther, Cassiopeia, Aljanah, Dschubba, and Naos when really they were just admiring them and had rbfs. Esther can relate because when she's not smiling, people always think she looks like a b— Some woman was flirting with Tiaki. "Your name's Tiaki? You don't look Asian. You have an Asian sounding name, ew that's weird!" Tiaki flipped his pastel violet hair back. "So what? My name means that of a star sweetheart. If you're racist, then get away from me right now you're ew!" He shooed her away as she muttered something that sounded like "coronavirus ching chong" and left to go bother someone else in the crowds. Tiaki flipped his middle finger at her. "Buh bye racist bitch! Yeah go on! SHOO! Never wanna see you again ugly! I'll super glue that stinking mouth of yours to never speak again. Change that heart, mind, and soul of yours, it's not cute, stinker! NASTY! These hands are rated E for everyone! I curse you and condemn all racists to having explosive diarrhea!" Some were crowding around Vega. "You look like a mix of Taehyung and Eunwoo!" A girl screamed at the Greek looking god. Vega smirked, approving of being told that. "Doesn't he look like that hot priest from the kdrama Island?" Another girl asked. "He looks more like Jeon Jungkook!" Some other girl pointed at Scheat who whipped off his glasses and made them all scream. "Pardon?" Scheat winked at them. "Jimin!" Some other person yelled at Spica. "KIM SEOKJIN!" Someone screamed at Tiaki. "We are better than BTS or any group out there!" Tiaki said. "We are the new diversified BTS which means Beyond The Scene— No! It means Beyond The Stars!" A girl squealed. "Are you an actor though?" Tiaki gave her a thumbs up. "Sign me up to act anytime! I mean look at me! My visuals are flawless! I've got talent too!" She took out her phone and took pictures right in his face, but he liked that. Esther shook her head at him. "He's gonna make the fans mad. They're gonna cancel him." Aljanah shrugged. "I've been waiting for him to get canceled. That'll teach him a lesson to keep his mouth closed. It will shut him up for good."
               "We're friends with BTS, Astro, and many celebrities! Even Rihanna." Naos said. Esther's mouth dropped open and now her eyes looked like they were about to fall out of its sockets. "For real?" Naos was jumping up and down. "Yes! Suga said he'll marry me! My bias Hobi said I dance well which is an honor to be told by the hot king of dance himself! Joonie told me I could be part of BTS! He's my bias wrecker, sooo dreamy. Rap line baby! We got to meet Blackpink too! I copy their style sometimes because they're all just so hot! Rihanna is a total queen! The hottest baddie. I kissed Henry Cavill!"
          Dschubba pulled Esther aside and whispered in her ear. "She's exaggerating. We met them, but we're not friends with any celebrities. I wish though. I doubt they would wanna associate with a bunch of crackheads. She didn't kiss him pfft, more like fainted at the sight of him. Don't believe her lies." Esther laughed. "But you guys are like celebrities yourselves!" Dschubba shook her head. "Oh please. Not even close." Aljanah came over to join the two. "Can we kick some ass now? I'm gonna fall asleep." All three of them laughed. So sorry dearest readers for too much CRINGE. Your poor eyes. Dschubba put her hand up and made gestures that looked like gang signs to get everyone else's attention. The archangels and rest of the deadly sins came over. Aljanah led the way through the back of the club. The seven deadly sins seemed to know where to go, as if they've done this before.
            All of their swords materialized into their hands from their auras. Esther took out two daggers from her bag. "I just realized we all use swords. Nobody else uses any other cooler weapons? How about a bow and arrow? Scratch that. All I need are my fists!" Naos punched the air. "Swords are most efficient and durable." Dschubba gripped her weapon steadily. Its eerily green luminescence was fluorescent in the dark along with the neon lights. "Yes it is the most preferred weapon to use when it comes to fighting in battle." Cassiopeia said. Spica cursed under his breath in a mixture of Spanish and English because Tiaki almost pushed him over by accident or purpose. "Holy—" Vega was staring at something and everyone turned to see what he was looking at. As they reached a back room it opened to an empty deserted space. When they all went in, the door slammed behind them, trapping the 11 stars inside. "We walked into a trap." Dschubba raised her sword. "Of course Achernar knew we were coming. Not a surprise but at least we tried." Aljanah held her flaming sword. "Why does the villain always have to be one step ahead of us? It's like he planned this before our sucky plan. We're like one step behind. So not cool." Spica complained. "Get ready," said Orion with his sword ready to strike. He stepped in front of Esther, pushing her behind him.
             Evil entities and demonic creatures arose from the shadows. People with crazed looks on their faces held weapons to attack them with. "Those people, they're possessed. Some of them don't look like it, but they are." Rigel took out his silver vial of holy water. "We must perform an exorcism on them." Cassiopeia made the sign of the cross and took out her golden vial of holy water. Wings sprouted from the two archangel's backs and their halos shone bright, making them glow. "Don't kill some of them. Leave the ones who have burning tarry skin. They look fully like demons, but those are people who are possessed by high level demons. Let's just get rid of the other demons." Orion swung his sword at some creatures which made them disperse back into the shadows. They weren't disappearing like they were supposed to. "Why aren't they disappearing?" Naos asked as she dispersed some demons with her glowing neon pink sword.
             "They're even stronger than before because Achernar keeps selling his soul to obtain more power." Vega slashed some demons with his sword which was surrounded by red mist and the symbols around it glowed.
              Rigel and Cassiopeia were chanting to exorcise the demons out of the ones who were possessed. They sprinkled holy water on them which made the possessed people scream inhumanely. 
"Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies,
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in "our battle against principalities and
against the rulers of this world of darkness,
against the spirits of wickedness in the high places,
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."
     Rigel and Cassiopeia took turns reciting this at the same time which drove the demons out of the people who were possessed. "Take out your cross and hold it up." Orion told Esther. She took out her cross necklace that she always wears and never took off, holding it up as the evil entities screeched. Esther did the sign of the cross because it was a terrifying sight. The three archangels sliced through them which made the demonic creatures disappear. The people who were possessed collapsed as their eyes rolled back into their heads. Rigel and Cassiopeia caught them. They treated those people, blessing them and saying prayers.
          Esther threw her dagger at one of the demons, but it didn't disappear. The seven deadly sins fought beside them, fighting demons. It was pure utter chaos. This annoying useless inexperienced author apparently doesn't know how to do good or proper action scenes. Can I just say that they all defeated Achernar, saved the world, and lived happily ever after the end? No. No I cannot. Lemme think. Oh wait, got no brains to even do that.
         "They're not disappearing like they are supposed to! They just keep coming back!" Spica exclaimed. Orion, Cassiopeia, and Rigel surrounded Esther; not letting any harm come to her. She tried fending for herself, but if she were to throw a dagger at another demon, it might end up hitting one of her angel friends. Esther was honestly pretty scared, but she didn't want to show it. This made her feel bad because everyone always had to protect her while she couldn't even do anything. Why was she so useless all the time?
         Aljanah burned some of the evil entities with her flames, making them scream as they disintegrated. "Fire helps!" She sent fireballs at more of the demonic creatures who just kept coming. There were too many of them. Cassiopeia summoned Heavenly fire of the Lord from the palms of her hands which were glowing. She got rid of some demons. The fire was working. Rigel's hands glowed and he also summoned Heavenly fire to ward the creatures off. Naos dispersed more with her radiating light which was blinding like that of the sun. Dschubba backflipped onto the wall and stabbed her sword across multiple demons all at once. Tiaki leaped through the air and slashed his sword which gleamed violet, through evil entities that emerged from shadows in the corner of the room. Scheat slid across the floor like a ninja and threw his icy sword through some creatures, freezing them into statues of ice as they shattered to the ground. "Ice helps too."
        Spica sliced through demons with his golden sword gleaming. Vega was crouched down and sunk his sword into the shadows, the red mist from his weapon was clashing against Achernar's dark fog which was starting to circle around them all.
            "Guys there's too many of them! I know there's a lot of us but we can't last this long." Naos slammed her sword into a demon that tried scratching her. "How do we get out of here? Is there another way out?" Vega scanned the room looking for other exits. There were no windows and the door they came through was sealed shut. "We can create a way out." Dschubba rammed her sword into the wall next to her which formed a crack. She kicked the wall down and it crumpled apart, opening a hollow to the outside of the club. There was a full moon which shined down on them. "That was so badass queen! Sick. So freaking hot." Esther had an unbelievable look on her face as she saw Dschubba take that wall down without any effort. "She's our sexy brained goddess of destruction," said Naos. Orion looked like his eyes were about to fall out...again. "I was going to suggest we teleport, but yeah that works too. Cool." Even the fallen star seemed impressed.
               They all stepped through the makeshift doorway Dschubba so awesomely kicked down through the wall. She retrieved her sword and pulled it out. "I forgot you guys can just use teleportation. Would that have worked in there though?" Scheat had ice crystals around his hands which he wiped away on his clothes. "I'm not sure. We were still able to use our powers in there so there was nothing restricting us from doing so." Cassiopeia said. With the moonlight shining down on her, she looked like the goddess she was. Her long curly snowy white hair glistened and her ebony skin glittered. The warrior archangel's rainbow eyes sparkled with unreadable emotions.
              "I don't know what Achernar has planned but he wasn't here. Whatever he's up to won't be good. We lost our chance to take him down before he does what he's planning to do." Orion's expression darkened. His obsidian eyes were tinted with hues of crimson. "We still have a chance. We'll stop him brother." Rigel reassured his brother and put an arm on his shoulder, but not where his wings used to be. "I've called an ambulance for those people who were possessed. The paramedics will be showing up soon. We need to get out of here." Tiaki said while looking serious. "I hope there were no cameras or else police will be coming for us." Spica sighed. The archangels and seven deadly sins weapons materialized back into their auras. They and Esther moved away from the scene of the crime as sirens blared through the air. Police were coming to inspect what happened and put a barricade tape to prevent the public from coming in. The people who were possessed were being reeled into the back of ambulances. People stopped and stared to see what was going on. They all came out of the club.
             "Hey I know them! They're famous on social media! I follow them! I've gotta get their autographs!" Some people took notice of the seven deadly sins and pointed. Others took their phones out and started taking pictures. Esther hid her face with her hands because she didn't want to be included. "Okay let's get out of here. We need to run." Vega said. People looked ready to chase after them until Orion, Cassiopeia, and Rigel put their hands around everyone and teleported away, erasing those people's memories of ever seeing them. Eleven stars took on the weight of the world.

(Genesis 37:9)
"Now he had still another dream, and related it to his brothers, and said, "Lo, I have had still another dream; and behold, the sun and the moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me."

(Revelation 12:1)
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;

Weight of the World
by Evanescence
Feels like the weight of the world
Like God in Heaven gave me a turn
Don't cling to me, I swear I can't fix you
Still in the dark, can you fix me?
Freefall, freefall, all through life
If you love me, then let go of me
I won't be held down by who I used to be
She's nothing to me
Feels like the weight of the world
Like all my screaming has gone unheard
And oh, I know you don't believe in me
Safe in the dark, how can you see?
Freefall, freefall, all through life
If you love me, then let go of me
I won't be held down by who I used to be
If you love me, then let go of me
I won't be held down by who I was
If you love me, then let go of me
I won't be held down by who I used to be
Songwriters: Terry Balsamo / Amy Lee

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