Hello dear neighbour :)

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Ishan sat on couch, tired. He had moved to Mumbai recently and his house was a mess. Since today was a day-off from practice Ishan decided to utilize the time and arrange his house.

What he didn't realize was how much time would it take and how tiring would it be. He laid down on his couch ready to order food when his bell rang.

He sighed and went to open the door. He opened the door and he was met by a young girl with what seemed to be food containers in her hands.

"Hello! I am Sunidhi, your neighbour." Sunidhi introduced herself in a cheerful voice.
Ishan smiled at her and replied with equal excitement, "Hi Sunidhi, I am Ishan. Please come inside."

"I don't want to disturb you further, I am fine but thank you." Sunidhi replied.
"You aren't disturbing me. Please come inside, i'd love to have some company." Ishan insisted.

Sunidhi finally gave in and entered Ishan's place.
"Lovely house!" She commented. Ishan thanked her with a smile and bought juice for her.
"You didn't have to do that." Sunidhi told Ishan

"I wanted to." Ishan said calmly.
"Well, I noticed you moved in a couple of days ago and since you're my only neighbour, I brought food for you. I love cooking for others but I am not a chef, I hope you like it." Sunidhi finally told Ishan.

Ishan widened his eyes and he grinned at her hospitality, he was in aw at her kindness. "I really appreciate that." He replied to her with a voice filled with gratitude.

Sunidhi smiled at his reply, "I wasn't able to do much, I bought some pao bhaji with  rasgulla. Rasgulla is always available in my house since I am half bengali."
"Half bengali?" Ishan questioned as he took the containers from Sunidhi.

Ishan and Sunidhi entered the kitchen where Sunidhi told him that she would heat up the food to serve him. Ishan protested in the beginning but finally gave into the stubbornness of her.

"My mother is bengali while my father is Rajasthani. I am mix of cultures." Sunidhi said with a smile as her she toasted the pao for Ishan. Ishan nodded as his mouth formed a big 'O' shape at her explanation. Ishan's expression made Sunidhi giggle and Ishan stared in aw at her cuteness.

Sunidhi served Ishan and herself as Ishan insisted on eating together. She bought some extra bhaji and pao from her house and heated it up for herself.

Ishan took a bite and let out a sigh of relief the taste, he missed home cooked food and this satisfied every part of hid craving, it was delicious.

"This, this is fucking amazing." Ishan said as he filled his mouth with another bite. Sunidhi chuckled at his reaction and thanked him taking a bite herself.

Both Ishan and Sunidhi ate the food while talking to eachother. Ishan learned that Sunidhi was his age and was currently working as a fashion designer for H&M, he also learned how Sunidhi loved cricket and also knew who he was when he moved in. Sunidhi learned alot about Ishan as well. Both Ishan and Sunidhi also learned that they had a lot in common.

After finishing their dinner both of them engaged in chatter and at around 11 p.m. Sunidhi decides to go back to her apartment. Ishan gets a little sad but he understands that she has a job and he himself has to join a practice session with the ICT.

"It was lovely meeting you, I am glad you're my new neighbour." Sunidhi said with a smile.
Ishan returned her smile, "I am glad I have you as my neighbour."
Both of smiled at eachother and Sunidhi entered her apartment as Ishan watched from his door.

After she locked her door, Ishan shut his own door and entered his bedroom. He laid down and smiled while recalling the moments he shared with Sunidhi. He smiled at the celling and whispered to himself, "Aren't you just gorgeous."

YOO! First wattpad story. I am a new writer so forgive me for the mistakes I make. I hope you like it.
Thank you for reading!

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