down bad

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Author pov

Sunidhi and Ishan had decided to hang out today, since it was Saturday. Even though both of them would never accept it, they thought of it as a date. They had decided to go to an arcade.

Ishan knocked on Sunidhi's door and smiled as she opened the door with a huge grin. "Well someone is excited!" Ishan exclaimed. Sunidhi nodded enthusiastically.

Sunidhi loved the arcade and visiting with Ishan was just everything she wanted, it was two of her favorite things paired together. In the three months Sunidhi has spent with Ishan, she realized that he was perfect.

She had a huge crush on Ishan before she met him, she had his images in her phone and even created edits of him. It was her little secret. But her intentions were never wrong with him.

She genuinely just wanted to welcome her new neighbour, who happened to be her celebrity crush. She already new most things about Ishan, since she had watched every interview of his.

But after meeting him her crush grew deeper. She saw how genuinely kind and caring he was, he striked for the best but he never complained about the challenges he faced.

Sunidhi always reminded him about his worth, she always complimented him out of the blue. Ishan usually blushed and muttered a 'thank you'.

But Sunidhi knew they meant a lot to him. She knew she wanted to keep him happy, no matter what. She wanted his smile to keep shining, even if it costed her anything.

She was down bad but she was yet to realise her true feelings. Her consciousness knew, he was her love but she debated against it.

Maybe it was her insecurities that always made it clear, she was no one. Even if she loved Ishan, there was no way he would love her back.

Little did she know, she was the sun to his Icarus.

Yay! After a while, I have done it. I am extremely sorry for the wait but school hates me. I hope you enjoy. :)))
Take care!
Stay safe!
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