dinner and daisies

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Ishan opened the door and he was met by a smiling Sunidhi. He smiled back and noticed she held a bouquet of daisies in her hand.

"For the handsome man!" Sunidhi exclaimed as she bowed down a little to hand over the bouquet to Ishan. Ishan blushed at her antics and smiled.

He bowed himself, to accept the bouquet returning her gesture. She smiled widely and entered inside. They couldn't see it but love was flowing in the air.

Sunidhi sat down at the couch and Ishan asked her, "do you want wine?" She nodded and he gave her a glass of red wine.

"Red wine is my favorite, thank you!" Sunidhi told Ishan who smiled at her words. After a few minutes of chatting Ishan served her dinner.

"Damn, this looks amazing Ishan." Sunidhi praised Ishan, in return he mumbled a thank you while hiding his red face.

Sunidhi took a bite and moaned at the taste, it tasted something like you would get at a fancy restaurant. Ishan smiled at her reaction and poured wine in her glass.

"You are a masterchef!" She exclaimed as she continued eating her pasta, stopping for occasional sips of wine.

Ishan laughed at her and ate his food, both of them chatted about their day and Sunidhi told Ishan about a new project she was working on.

Helloooooo! Sorry for no updates this weekend but I had family urgency. I hope you enjoy this!
Thank you for reading!
Take care!
Stay hydrated!

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