Apsara ho kya?

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                         Author Pov

After tiring themselves completely the ICT finally went bid goodbye to eachother. It was around 2 pm when Ishan returned home. The first thing he did after coming back was to take a long shower because of how sweaty he was from all the running. He ate a salad bowl he ordered online and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. He didn't realize when he fell asleep and the next he knew was it 8:45 pm.

His eyes widened as he realized the time, 'no way I slept for that long' he thought. However he quickly brushed off his thoughts and got ready for Sunidhi's house. He wore a black oversized t-shirt with jeans and fixed his hair. By the time he was done it was 8:58 pm, meaning he had to leave for her house.

He knocked on the door and heard a voice from inside yell, "aayi!" He smiled and waited for a few seconds and the door finally opened. Ishan was met by Sunidhi who was wearing a white skirt with black border and a short black kurti. She looked adorable, to Ishan she was the prettiest woman he had seen in his life. Ishan couldn't help but admire her.

Ishan's daydreaming was broken by Sunidhi as she shook her hand in front of him. "Kahan kho gaye?" She asked. Ishan smiled and replied, "kahi nahi." Ishan entered inside the house and he looked around admiring the decorations. He was awestruck at the beauty of her house.

Sunidhi's house was filled with art-pieces and painting. Her house could be used to film a movie. Ishan noticed a large bookshelf which was filled with books of all genre's. Her house was very well arranged, it felt like every detail of her house was thought about. 'Damn!' Ishan thought, he expected a nice house but he didn't necessarily expect this beautiful of a house. Her house felt like home.

"Aap baitho main aayi." Sunidhi told Ishan as she disappeared into the kitchen. After a few minutes she came out with a tray filled with juices and freshly cut fruits. "Itna sab kyu kiya?" Ishan questioned Sunidhi. "Mera maan kiya, kar diya." Sunidhi shrugged. Ishan made a 'bruh' face at her reply.

Hello!! Two updates in day, yay!
A small update tho, I hope you enjoyed. Next chapter is gonna be extremely adorable, just a tiny detail hehe.
Okie, I hope you have an awesome day.
Take care!
Stay hydrated!
Thank you for reading!

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