Chapter 11- The bad man

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I woke up with Angela cuddled into me. I smile at the sight because it's always a blessing waking up next to her. I look over at the clock and it's 7:00. I carefully get out of bed so I don't wake her up. I throw on some shorts and a sports bra and head into the kitchen. I cooked breakfast for everyone and put it in the oven since they were all sleep, I give Kojo some eggs and I head out the back towards the pool. I leave the door cracked just in case kojo wants to come. I sit at the edge of the pool and put my feet in, it's cold but I don't mind. I sit outside for about 10 minutes just looking at the sky until someone comes outside followed around with kojo. I turn round to see Eliza rubbing her eyes walking towards me. I grab her and put her in my lap and she lays her head on my chest, morning baby, I say while rubbing her head. Morning mommy, she says. Did you sleep good, I ask her. No I missed you, she says while hugging me. Baby anytime you miss me you can come in the room and sleep with me and Angela okay, I say while rubbing her back. Why were you already asleep, she asks lifting her head up. I sigh, do you remember the bad man I told you about, I say. She nods her head. He hurt mommy again so I came home early and went to bed baby, I say with a few tears now on my face. Eliza wipes my tears, is bad man in jail, she asks. Yes baby he's in jail, I say with a smile on my face. I'm glad you're okay mommy, she says while hugging me. Me too sweetie, I say while kissing her head. You hungry,I ask her. She shakes her head no, can we go inside, she asks me. Yea sweetie, I say. We head inside and I dry my feet off while Eliza goes and gets her blanket for us. We cuddled up on the couch while watching top chef, she suggested it and before I knew it we were both asleep.

Angela's POV
I wake up with Lucy not beside me, I walk out into the living room to see Eliza and Lucy cuddled up on the couch sleep. I take a quick picture of them before heading into the kitchen. I know Lucy cooked because I can smell the food, I look in the oven and see breakfast. I go to the kids rooms and wake them up so they can eat. I carry them downstairs and put them at the bar, I fix their plates before going to get my phone. I see Zoe texted for our address so I text her the address. Mommy where's Lucy and Eliza, Jack asks. They're on the couch sleep hunny, I say. Is Lucy okay, Maddie asks. She will be, I say while messing her hair up a little bit. 10 minutes later there's a knock at the door. I open it to see the gang and I let them in. (If you don't know who the gang is by now then oh well). Hey kids, hey ang, they all say. Where's Lucy and Eliza, Jackson says. On the couch sleep, Angela says while pointing her finger. Everyone goes to sit down on the couch including Jack and Maddie. They start talking and laughing. They start laughing to loud which wakes Lucy up. Why the hell are y'all so loud, Lucy says rubbing her eyes. Sorry Luce, Zoe says.

Lucy's POV
I wake up to people laughing and talking to damn loud which makes me annoyed. Why the hell are y'all so loud, I say rubbing my eyes. Sorry Luce, I hear Zoe say. Mhm, I mumble. Eliza time to get up baby, I say while shaking her. She slowly wakes up and I pick her up and put her at the bar table. I give her, her breakfast then I head in the bedroom to put a sweater on. I brush my teeth and wash my face and head back out into the living room. Eliza's already down and sitting back in our spot, I pick her up and sit her in my lap and pull the cover back over us. Luce you okay, Jackson asks. I'll live, I say. We talk all talk for about another 2 hours. We planned to have everyone over this weekend so we could all hang out. I pull my hair into a low bun since it was in Eliza's face. When I pull my hair back you can see clearly where Johnson was chocking me at. The marks are a damped purple but clearly visible which Eliza notices. ¿Es eso lo que hizo el hombre malo, mamá?(is that what the bad man did mommy), Eliza asks. Everyone looks at me with a shocked look because Eliza a 3 year old is speaking Spanish fluently. Sí, cariño, lo es.( yea sweetie it is), I say to her. ¿Te duele?( does it hurt), she asks me. No, no duele, pero no te preocupes, ¿vale?( no is doesn't hurt but don't worry about it okay), I say and she just nods her head putting it back on my chest. She speaks Spanish and knows what happened, Nyla asks. Yes to both of those questions. Wow that's impressive, Tim says. Yea she's a fast learner, I say while laughing and rubbing her head. The rest of the day is spent with me, Angela and the kids cuddled up on the couch watching movies and eating snacks, with them constantly checking up on me .

A/N: sorry it's short im tired

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