Chapter 15~ The plea deal

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Lucy's POV
I woke up nervous today was the day he was either gonna be in jail or free. I've been up since 4 just thinking. I know I shouldn't but all I can think about are the what ifs. "what if he goes free", "what if he says it's my fault", "what if people judge me" "what if people look at me different" "what if people treat me differently" "what if I lose my job" "what if they claim it's a false accusation". I couldn't do anything but over think and it was slowly killing. I hear the alarm clock go off which pulls me out of my trance. I turn it off and get out of bed. I make breakfast before waking everyone up. First I wake the kids up, I get them dressed and take them down stairs to eat before I grab their bags and take them back down stairs. Then I go wake Angela up. Baby time to wake up, I say while running my fingers through her hair. Baby why didn't you sleep, she says taking one of my hands. It's that noticeable, I say with a slight smile. Come here, she says pulling me down on the bed and giving me a hug which I return. How long have you been up, she says while rubbing my back, since 4 I saw quietly. She hugs me tighter, wake me up whenever you can't sleep or whenever you need anything, I'm always here for you love, she says kissing the top of my head. I love you so much, I say while hugging her tightly. I love you more, she says while kissing my head.

We get ready and drop the kids off before we head into the station. What time do you speak to your lawyer again, Angela asks me. I speak with them on my lunch break, I say nervously. She takes my hand and turns my face towards her, if you need anything and I mean anything text me I know I can't be with you but text or call me and I'll be right there okay, she says. I will I promise, I say with a smile.

As I'm working on one of my cases Zoe comes up to me. Hey Luce you ready, she asks. As ready as I'll ever be, I say with a small smile. Let me know if you need anything and I mean anything okay, she says. I will, I say as I laugh. I start think of the positive outcomes if he gets put away Id be free, I wouldn't have to old onto this weight anymore, but everyone would know, but I'd be free, I wouldn't have to hide, I wouldn't have to lie, I could be fully happy, I could freely live without me watching over my shoulder every second, I could be free.

Angela's POV
Me and Zoe are just talking about some cases when she asks about Lucy. So how's Lucy, she asks. She was up at 4 this morning because she couldn't sleep and I'm pretty sure she was overthinking the whole time, I say rubbing my hands over my face. Let's hope he gets jail time, Zoe says. Yea I hope so I don't want her mental getting bad if he doesn't, I say. All evidence points to him so she should get a good bit of jail time, Zoe says as she rubs my shoulder.

Lucy's POV
Lunch time rolls around slower than usual which has me worried. I go see Angela before I head off. Hey I'm going to see the lawyer, I say. She gets up and holds my hands, remember text or call if you need anything he gonna get time because all evidence points towards him I know it, she says. I will I promise and let's hope so, I say. I love you let me know if you need anything, she says giving me a kiss. I love you too and I will, I say kissing her back. When I get to the DAs office I met with my lawyer and Sergeant Johnson and his lawyer. I didn't like being in the same room as him because it creeped me out. My lawyers name was Wesley Evers he's a pretty good lawyer and I trust him so I had somewhat of a good feeling. My leg starts bouncing as we discussed the case. All evidence points towards your client that he raped and assaulted Detective Chen the rape kit even has his DNA on it so there's no point in taking this to trail, Wesley says. Johnson's lawyer and Johnson are whispering to each other. Plea deal 20 years minimum 15, Wesley whispers to me and I nod my head because there was no way in hell I was testifying. Plea deal 20 year's minimum 15, Wesley says to them. They look at each other and nod theirs heads. Alright then I'll talk to the judge and see what he says, Wesley says as we both leave the room. I sit on the bench as Wesley talks to the judge. He comes out with a smile on his face 20 years, he says. Tears weld up in my eyes but not sad tears happy tears. Thank you so much, I say as I hug Wesley. Anytime, he says. Once I get back to the station the main group ran to me, what happened your crying, Angela says as she wipes my tears. He got 20 years, I say with a smile o my face. Everyone lunges forward and I'm bombarded with hugs and congratulations. I was free, I was finally free.

A/N: This is the final chapter!!! So sorry if it's not how any of you guys wanted but I thought it was a good way to end it!!

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