7 : Pink panty

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I sneak a peek and spot Nicolas' men, spread all over and searching the shadowy parking lot.

Thank goodness I managed to whisk Mr. Malik away just in time.

Glancing back at him, I realize the closeness of our position, making my breath hitch instantly.

He stands tall, slightly hunched, my palm still pressed against his lips.

We are standing so close that the only separation between our mouths is my trembling hand on his lips.

So close that I'm forced to inhale his head-spinning scent with each breath I take.

My heart thunders so loudly in my chest, I'm sure he can hear it too.

His piercing, marble grey eyes are fix on me with unwavering intensity, causing my pulse to quicken even further.

I can't look away from his eyes, it's almost as if I'm under a spell.

Suddenly, the sharp sound of a gunshot jolts me back to reality.

I blink rapidly, physically wrenching my gaze away from his magnetic stare.

What on freaking earth is wrong with me?

Why's my heart pounding like it's trying to win a 'Loud Heartbeats' competition?

It's probably because I've never been this close to a guy before. Yeah, that's it.

Snap out of it, Mirha! Focus, girl!

I sneak another peek through the huge black car we're crouching behind, and I swear they'll be on us any second now.

I turn back to Mr. Malik, and in my best spy whisper, I say, "Where's your car?"

He glares at me hard, and then I realise that I still have my hand on his mouth.

Quick as a hiccup, he grabs my wrist and yanks it away.

"What the fuck is happening—"

I slap my palm back on his mouth.

"Shhh! Zip it and just tell me where's your car?"

He shoots me a glare that could freeze a volcano and jabs a thumb over his shoulder towards the car we're squatting behind.

I give a nod.

"No time for a Q&A session, I'll tell you everything, just run towards the car and drive us out of here as fast as possible, okay?" I say in one breath.

The frozen solid doesn't budge and just stare at me blankly.

"𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐯𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐚" I hiss at him in Russian.
[the damn Antarctica]

𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥Where stories live. Discover now