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After class, I was quick to pack up my things and leave. Malfoy was being surprisingly nice compared to what my brother tells me he does through letters. I didn't want him to suddenly change his mind.

I waited outside the room for Daphne and she quickly caught up to me.

"Sorry you have such a lame partner." She apologized giving me a rather sad face. I shrugged.

"Normally, I would say there could be worse, but I really don't think that's true. Although, he does do a fair deal of the work so I guess maybe he's better than some."

My eyes directed to Malfoy's friends Crabbe and Goyle who were trying to shove first years as they ran by.

My eyes went forward a little, moving from the two to the boy who was considered their leader. When I looked I was aggravated to see Malfoy looking at me.

I scoffed looking away and turning to walk towards the great hall. I needed food. I also needed to see my brother.


As I walked into the great hall I separated from Daphne. Harry was sitting with his friend Ron, they seemed to be having a quite intense and interesting conversation. It was most likely about the grim.

I wanted to add some laughter and fun into Harry's stressful day so I decided I was going to spook him by sneaking up behind the two boys.

As I got closer though, I realized maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all. My smile quickly became a frown as I heard Ron talking. His mouth was half full, but the message still came through.

"Sorry mate, but don't you think it's odd you get this grim thing right after your sister gets into Slytherin? I mean I don't think a single good witch or wizard has ever came from that house."

Harry was quick to continue the conversation, "yeah. I know. She's my sister though okay? I just wish she would stop talking to them all. They'll infest her brain."

I snorted a little at Harry's last comment. Who was he to say who I could and couldn't talk to? My new friends were nice.

I still took offense from their comments though. My own brother who begged me to come to this school is now wishing I never came to begin with.

I couldn't have another school like Beauxbatons. I came here for something different, I wanted things to be different.

The bottom of my eyes soon began to fill up with water. My throat felt coarse. I was pretty emotional so I cried quite a decent amount, but it normally wasn't in such a public space.

"Nice to know how you truly feel." I said. My eyes were blinking repeatedly trying to hold in as much moisture as possible.

Harry visibly tensed up before practically leaping out of his seat.

"Scarlett you weren't supposed to hear that. I-" "well I did. Know we know how the great Harry Potter truly feels. Sorry I'm not the chosen one."

As I spoke my voice grew louder and my arms began to move as I spoke exaggerating my words.

Harry didn't look as guilty as I thought he would be. Instead he looked stern. His jaw was clenched and he listened as I spoke.

"Scarlett you know what I mean." He grew a little with anger however this just made it worse.

Why was he angry? How was he allowed to be angry? He was the one talking bad about me, not the other way around.

I turned walking away towards the doors. Wiping my tears from my face as I ran ever so slightly.

No matter where I went I was a shadow to my brother. I thought it wouldn't matter as much when I actually had my brother, but it seemed like it would be just as bad.

Harry caught up to me once I reached the hallway. "Scarlett!" He yelled as he followed me.

I shook my head turning to face him. "You know what's sad? I transferred schools to be closer to you and in the past two days we've talked less than when we were in different countries. Isn't that a tad bit sad?" I asked wiping my last tear.

Harry nodded in understanding. "Listen, I'm sorry we were saying those things but you need to hear us out. Slytherins aren't the best of people."

I let out a snort rolling my eyes. "And who are you to judge? Mr. Talks bad about his only family behind her back."

Harry sighed. I wasn't truly mad at him, more disappointed. If I didn't react this way though he would've just kept doing the same thing over and over again.

If there was one thing I knew it was my brother. I knew that in a few days he would give me a sincere apology and that we could forget about it.

Until then though, I wasn't being the one to give in. I needed to upper hand for once rather than the Harry Potter sloppy seconds.

"Hey, you know I still love you right?" He asked. I smiled, that was the nice thing about Harry, even when we fought we would still remind échotier we were all we had left. We were family after all.

"I know, I love you too." I said as I turned to walk back to my common room. Classes were done for me that day. Daphne had her elective class but I was free to chill.

It was a decent about of time I had to myself. I decided to procrastinate my homework just a little bit later so I could have some time to chill.

At first I contemplated a nap. I knew with the amount of new things I was going to experience in the next week a little pick me up nap would be beneficial, but I also worried I wouldn't wake up.

I ended up deciding to sit in the common room and just watch the fire, let my body relax curled up in a blanket.

I wondered back to my brother. Seriously, what was his problem with Slytherins?

Every Slytherin I've met has been kind and helpful, thanks for your opinion though Ronald.

I let my thoughts take over as I let the time pass. Sometimes, I wondered how Harry and I were siblings at all.

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