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After making up with my brother I made my way back through the halls. My face was definitely puffy but I was able to momentarily stop the crying so I was a little presentable.

When I found my way to the outside of the class Daphne and Theo stood talking. Their faces were flushed and both looked terrified.

I guess seeing a dead corpse of your friend will do that to you.

Before I was able to talk I was engulfed into a groups hug. I could hear Daphne sniffle, she was truly too sweet for the world.

After a few moments we broke away from our hug and took a moment to just stand in each other's company.

It was odd for the three of us to be together and it be this quiet. In an odd way it felt nice to know I had so many people that cared about me.

"I think I'm going to spend the night in the common room if you guys don't mind. I still want dinner though so could one of you sneak me something back? It could be a roll for all I care, I just need something."

Daphne nodded right away growing a loving smile. "You know, if you asked us, we would bring the whole dinning hall to the common room, you're our best friend." Daphne admitted as she pulled me in for another hug.

After that we all walked together back to the dungeons. As we walked I told them about Harry and how happy I was that we were friends once more.

Daphne and Theodore both understood that what Harry said wasn't meant to be personal and knew that Slytherin had a bad stigma and were happy the two of us were able to make up.

It was a nice cool fall day so when we got back to the common room most people were outside or still had another later class leaving it empty.

Theodore, Daphne, and I all sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace and just enjoyed the time with each other.

I was reading a potions book while Daphne and Theo worked on the divination homework.

"Tomorrow the Slytherin quidditch team is having a little scrimmage, it might be fun. You two could come watch." Theo offered finally breaking the silence.

I was never one to fly, at Beauxbatons they didn't teach us how to use a flying broomstick let alone how to play quidditch. I did enjoy watching though, and it would be a good distraction.

"Yeah sure." I agreed looking up to smile at Theo. Daphne nodded her head, "Yeah sounds great."

At least there was something to look forward to.

Soon, my friends left to get dinner. "Are you sure you don't want to come with? You could see your brother and maybe food will help." Theodore offered as they began to walk out

I shook my head, "nah, I really just want to curl up and let myself get lost at thought." I admitted.

As soon as they left I walked up to my room. I grabbed some sweats and a crewneck and quickly changed. If I was just going to sit in the common room there was truly no reason to not be comfortable while doing so.

When I walked back into the common room I quickly noticed the blond that was sitting at the lounge space by himself.

Through my time so far in Hogwarts I had yet to see Draco Malfoy fully alone. He always had at least one person with him. It was odd to see him all alone.

When I entered, he turned to face me. He looked at me with the same expression that he made back in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Oh I didn't know anyone was here I can go." He started to grab his books and homework that were lying in front of him.

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