Daddy Issues

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As we were just beginning to get far from the class Draco yelled one last time. "My father will hear about this!"

Again with his father. Who gives a crap what his father thinks or what his father hears? I surely do not.

Draco began to whimper holding his arm. "Aww you'll be okay little baby."

"Potter! It isn't funny. I'm going to die." He sounded as though he believed what he was saying.

In what world would he die because of a scratch? He was definitely weak.

"I'm sure you'll be okay Malfoy." I sighed. This walk was going to be so very long.

"Yes, you're right for once Potter. Once I tell my father and he tells the ministry that bird will be dead for good.

I turned and grabbed Malfoys arm. He let out a gasp of pain. I allowed for my face to get closer to his, to appear more powerful I suppose.

"Malfoy if you get him killed I will make sure you yourself are killed. Not to mention your silly father."

I let go of Malfoys arm and he weeped again. What a baby.

The rest of the walk was quiet, partly because I was to frustrated to speak, but also partly because I believe I freaked Malfoy out just enough to have him shut up for a few moments.

When we arrived at the hospital wing madame Pomfrey didn't look shocked in the slightest. Instead, she looked bored.

From her and Malfoys interaction when we arrived I could tell he was quite the complainer and quite the drama queen, which did make sense with his character.

"Hey Potter?" I turned to face Malfoy. "Can you just sit in here for a little bit? If you do Pansy will leave me alone and boy I can't stand you, but I can't deal with her right now."

For some odd reason I agreed. I agreed to stay on a room with Draco Malfoy by choice. Today was full of surprises.

Madam Pomfrey led Malfoy to a bed and gave him some sleeping medicine. He was out within seconds.

I sat in the chair next to the bed and pulled out a book from the small table she had beside it. It was a simple book about a Witch and a Wizard seemed like a tragedy, if I was going to stay here I was at least going to spend my time doing something a little useful.

As I began to read I grew distracted. I noticed Malfoy's chest rising and falling as every minute passed.

Every so often his body would flinch or he would mumble something under his breath.

I giggled as I watched him. Who knew Draco Malfoy would be such a dreamer.

It was odd to see him so peaceful. I felt comfort in his presence which was definitely not true any other time. Now it just felt different?

Maybe if he was always sleeping I could be his friend.

My thoughts made me let out an audible chuckle. One thing was certain Draco Malfoy and I would not be friends.


"Dears, lunch is approaching, you both better be on your ways."

I Thanked Madam Pomfrey before she left to do some other work. Malfoy let out a groan of thanks as he sat up.

"This sling is bloody terrible. Almost as bad as you Potter."

I wish he was still sleeping

"Right, well this was fun, but I'm going to go hang out with my friends now."

Malfoy's face warped into a face of sadness. It was strange seeing his face form that way. I honestly didn't think it was possible.

Before I was able to leave Malfoy spoke once more.

"Potter wait."

I turned to face him quirking my head slightly in amusement. He got off his bed taking a step closer to me.

"Will you carry my bag for me? I'm so very weak." I scoffed throwing Malfoy's bag at him.

"You have a second hand Malfoy. If you wanted someone to carry your things for you, you should've asked Pansy to come sit with you and not used me as your get away Pansy card."

For some odd reason I believed an hour in the hospital wing would change Malfoy into a more approachable person.

It was a silly thought to have in all honestly, but I couldn't help it, I was an overly hopeful person.

As soon as I opened the door to finally escape Malfoy Pansy came running in.

"Oh my poor baby! Are you hurt Drakey? Do you need me to hold you?"

I laughed as I turned to walk to the dinning hall. At the end off the hall, I ran into Theo and Daphne.

"How ever did you survive?" Daphne asked as we quickly all began to walk in sync next to one another.

"It was horrid, the whole walk up I heard only about his father all, 'my father' this 'the ministry' that. It was exhausting. Much better after she gave him sleeping medicine."

"Madam Pomfrey didn't give any sleeping medicine to me when I got sent there last year! I swear unfair." Theodore pouted.

Daphne giggled as we entered the dining hall, "probably because you aren't an annoying little cry baby like Malfoy."

Theodore raised his hands in the air in an act of celebration. "You heard it here first, Daphne Greengrass thinks that I, Theodore Nott, is normal"

Daphne rolled her eyes in frustration stuttering as she tried to think of a comeback.

Daphne and Theodore were my favorite little pairing in the whole school. They were humorous but genuine. I was so very pleased that they were my friends and I didn't end up choosing the wrong people day one.

Soon after we began eating Malfoy came in with Pansy. She was carrying his things and he had a smug expression.

As he sat the boys Crabbe and Goyle hovered over them as well.

"It was so very terrible, madam Pomfrey said I was lucky I made it to her when I did, otherwise I could have." He inhaled and let out a shaken exhale, "I could have died."

I'll give him one thing, Draco Malfoy was an excellent actor. He also was a liar, though I suppose that some times, the two go perfectly hand in hand.

How would I survive the rest of the year with a boy like this? Easy, ignore him at all costs.

A/N: thank you guys so much for the reads it honestly means the world! If you enjoyed the chapter feel free to give it a vote. I appreciate you readers so much! Ty <3

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