𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 17

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"I think I'm getting the hang of it, don't you?" Cassie smirked, 

Before Theo could respond, a mannequin popped up behind her. In a split second, Cassie whipped out a dagger from the holster on her thigh and pressed it against the mannequin's neck

They were in the Room of Requirement. The walls were lined with various weapons—daggers, swords, and other combat tools. Targets were set up at one end, ready for practice.

Theo watched her, his expression unreadable. "Mhm," he remarked noncommittally.

Cassie turned to face him, her eyes narrowing. "What's up with you?"

"What?" Theo replied irritatedly 

Cassie huffed, crossing her arms. "You haven't been talking to me since yesterday."

Theo's gaze sharpened as he studied her. "Where were you yesterday?"

"What do you mean?"

 "At Hogsmeade. Where were you? Because I know you weren't at Quality Quidditch Supplies."

Cassie met his gaze, carefully placing her dagger back in its holster. "Of course I was. I told you, I spilled Stinksap—"

Theo cut her off, his voice harsh. "Blah, blah—I'm not guessing, Cassie. I know you weren't there because I went in looking for you."

Cassie remained silent, her eyes darting away.

"There was no Stinksap spill, no employees falling. And I didn't see you," Theo continued,

Cassie didn't respond, instead focusing on packing her gear.

Theo stepped forward, grabbing her arm "Why won't you tell us?"

Cassie looked at him, her expression hardening. She pulled her arm free and took a step back. "It's none of your business, Theo."

"It is when you disappear without a word and lie about it," Theo retorted, his voice rising 

Cassie's eyes flashed with anger, and she took a step forward,
"Oh, spare me the lecture, Theo, what is it to you?"

Theo's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing. "It's everything to me, Cassie. You think you can just vanish and not explain yourself? We're supposed to be friends."

Cassie scoffed,
"Friends? Is that what you call this? Because it feels more like you're trying to control me."

Theo's jaw clenched,  "I'm not trying to control you! I'm trying to understand why you keep shutting us out."

Cassie's laugh was cold and bitter. "Understand? You can't even begin to understand what I'm dealing with. And I don't owe you any explanations."

"Really? Because it seems like you're just scared to let anyone in, You are acting like a coward" Theo shot back.

Cassie snarled. In an instant, she whipped out her wand and pointed it at Theo. "Take that back, Nott," she hissed.

Theo didn't flinch, his own anger rising to meet hers. "Or what, Cassie? You'll hex me? Go ahead. You're just proving my point. You're so afraid of being hurt that you'd rather lash out at everyone who tries to care about you."

Cassie looked him dead in the eye, her tone icy. "I don't need anyone to care for me. Especially not you."

Theo's face twisted with pain, and he took a step back. "Fine," he said, his voice breaking slightly. He harshly grabbed his bag before storming out,

Cassie looked at the door, her grey eyes unsure, her face masked with indifference. 

The room felt colder and emptier. She clenched her jaw, her mind replaying Theo's words.

𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now