Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Cowriters, whoever you are :)

Thank you to the people who co-wrote this story with me and the stranger who started the whole thing. The first paragraph was written by some totally anonymous stranger on Omegle last July, and I continued it with co-writers up until the 5th chapter ending last September. Now in March 2013 I picked back up from Chapter 6 and it's actually complete with a sequel in the works! Crazy! Well, I hope you enjoy it! I've worked so hard on this you have no clue! Vote and comment and fan and share and everything else!

Harry was a senior in high school and so was Louis, but that is where the similarities stop. Harry was a loner, he was bullied often so he built a wall around his heart to keep it from hurting. Louis was the popular kid. He got good grades, played sports, went to loads of parties, and everyone adored him. These two never talked, never saw each other, and didn’t even share classes. They had never even met until one day...

Harry was walking through the cafeteria. He went to get lunch and Zayn Malik was on line with one of his friends. Zayn was like public enemy number 1 to Harry. Every day he gave him hell about one thing or another, everything from his clothes to the way he walked to his voice. If he started dressing and looking and talking like Zayn, he would probably still get made fun of. He learned to ignore it over the years but it was kind of hard. He didn't know why he got picked on so much, he didn't think he was much different than anyone else in the school, and no one else get picked on half as much as he did. He hated it.

It pretty much all started in middle school. Harry didn't understand why the change from elementary school to middle school was so life changing for everyone. It was probably puberty or something, but all of a sudden Harry came in to school and got pushed into the lockers. The next day a piece of chewed gum was on his seat and he walked around with it on his bum for the rest of the day. By the third and final year of middle school he was getting regular beatings and wedgies and trippings and pushings every day. This was his last year in school though, his final year of being pushed around. He knew that in the next 5 months he would be gone for good, off to some college far away so that no one could follow him. And even if they did follow him, he would make sure it was a college that none of these idiots could get in to anyway. That was the only thing that kept him going every day. 

As he approached the line it was clear that Zayn had noticed him there. There were barely any other kids there besides Zayn's friend, he was a perfect target. Zayn smiled evilly to himself when Harry walked over. Over the past 7 years Harry learned how to judge Zayn's moods. When he had this evil look on his face, he was probably just going to make fun of Harry and try his best to make him feel bad, something that never worked anyway. If he was in the mood to beat someone up he would look a lot angrier or sadder or, in fact, happier.

“Hey,” Zayn said as he grabbed his tray, “nice curls loser.”

Really? That was the best he could do? Nice curls?? It wasn't like Harry could do anything about the fact that his hair was naturally curly, I mean, that's what naturally means, right? What an idiot.

“I’m just trying to get my lunch Zayn, just leave me alone.” Harry told him, trying to sound tough. This never worked, but usually it was a better approach than ignoring. He knew all those movies and pamphlets on teen bullies said that ignoring is that only thing that would work, but with Zayn if Harry ignored, then he would be beat on until he answered. It was best just to do something annoying or tough so that Zayn got bored and went to pick on someone who would cry and beg for mercy. That was his favorite, the criers. Sometimes Harry wondered about what kind of sick and screwed up life Zayn Malik came from, since he enjoyed making people's lives miserable, but in acuality it probably wasn't that his life was screwed up, it was just his mind.

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