Chapter Fourteen

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Dedicated to @kitcat820 thanks for commenting! For some reason wattpad isn’t showing me the correct amount of votes but I got 6 on the last chapter and I’m so happy about it! Thank you all so much! I wasn’t going to update today but you’re all so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy that gif on the side #sweetestever

Harry looked around the room and swallowed. Everyone was holding their breath as he spoke,

“This is what really happened…

What Happened On the Field Trip

I got to school early because I was so excited. The field trip was for my favorite class of the day, music history. It was the last period and only a few other kids were in it because most people took off last period for sports practice. My teacher was Mrs. Travis and she was really nice and young, my favorite of all the teachers. We were going to a museum of music which had all this cool stuff like famous people’s guitar picks and autographs. I felt happy, which was a funny thing. I wasn’t used to being happy. Ever since Louis came into my life I felt more and more happy and that day seemed like the start of good things happening.

When I got to the school the bus driver was just opening the doors. I showed him by field trip pass and he let me on. On long distance field trips the school got these really fancy busses with cushiony seats and arm rests and even a little fold out tray like on airplanes. The seat all the way in the back was a singular and on the other side of the aisle was a storage compartment so it was completely private. There weren’t any bad kids in my class, mostly just loners like me, but I didn’t know who else took music history for Mrs. Travis’s other periods so I felt like I should be careful. I put my bag under my seat and pulled out my cell phone. There were two new messages, one from Louis and one from Liam. I checked Louis’s first.

Good morning love xx I’ll miss you today :( hope you have lots of funnn!

I smiled because he was just so cute. And he said “love” which made my heart pound. I responded to him,

It won’t be fun without you Boo :( will I see you tonight to make up for it?

Then I checked Liam’s message,

Hey Harry. Louis is going to sit with me at lunch today. Is that OK with you?

I laughed because he was so formal in his texts. I was instantly excited that my boyfriend and best friend were getting along so I wrote back quick,

Of course! Just don’t steal him away from me ;)

Liam responded instantly,

What gave you that idea???

Haha. For a smart person Liam could be slow sometimes.

It was a joke Leelee, lighten up would ya ;)

By the time I looked up other people were getting on the bus and neither of them responded so I figured school had already started. I made a mental list of the people who were coming as they climbed on to the bus, some cheerleaders and jocks but no one who I thought would bother me. I looked away to put on my seat belt and when I looked back my stomach dropped.

Niall Horan and Perrie Edwards were getting on the bus. Shit.

Perrie was probably harmless without Zayn around, unless she was working for Eleanor. Eleanor had a history of getting her “friends” to carry out her dirty work for her. But Perrie didn’t seem to notice me for now so I just made a note to stay out of her sight.

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