Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Cowriters, whoever you are :)

Louis saw out of the corner of his eye, the curly haired boy left. He let out a little sigh and turned back to face his table. He didn't know why he felt so sad that Harry left, he didn't even know him. Louis was even slightly annoyed at Eleanor playing with his hair, when he usually loved when people touched his hair. Everything about this felt weird. Did boys PMS? If they did, that was definitely what Louis was feeling right now.

"What's wrong Lou? You look upset," Eleanor said to him with a pout on her face. Suddenly Louis could see right through her flirting with him. It even made him cringe a little at how strongly she was coming on to him. He felt no attraction to her, even though just a few hours ago he was thinking about asking her to prom, now he couldn't see at all why. He really just didn't want anything to do with her. He just wanted the curly haired kid back. He wanted to look into his eyes again, to hear his voice, hell he just wanted to know his name.

"I just...umm...I forgot something in my last class. Better go get it before lunch is over," he told Eleanor and the rest of his friends at the table. Louis wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but he knew that if he didn't go now he never would.

"Yea ok mate." Niall replied him in his Irish-exchange student accent. Louis slowly began walking towards the hallway doors and then turned around to make sure no one was looking, before ducking out the exit leading to the elementary school's playground, the only place there was from this door. When he got over the hill the playground came into view, along with the figure of the boy about 50 feet in front of him. He hurried a little, trying to keep up with the boy's big strides.

He couldn't believe himself right now. He was actually following this boy whom he had never seen or talked to before. That was crazy, right?! He didn't even know what to think of it. He didn't even know what he was going to say when he caught up to him. "Hi I'm Louis. I just followed you for a few minutes. What's your name?" Yea that wasn't going to slide. Or how about. "Hi. We're both male but I think you're really cute and you have nice eyes." OK that one was even worse. His heart sped up and he thought about how this conversation was going to go.

Harry walks and walks until he finds a place to sit under a tree. He curls up and holds his hands around his knees.  It's nice under the shady tree near the basketball courts, quite warm and unnerving. He always liked to be alone, to have quiet time with his thoughts and just think about how things in his life were going, which was usually pretty crappy. He didn't know why the kids in school hated him so much. He was kind of a nerd, he knew that, but he wasn't even really all that book smart. He got alright grades, but it wasn't like he was on the math team or anything. "It's just the hand you're dealt" is what his mum would tell him. "And one day, they'll all be answering to you." He sighed, his mum, Anne always made him feel better. He took his phone out and called her. There's no answer so he just leaves a message. ''Hello Mum, I was wondering if you could bring me home," he sighs. "I don't feel well, so call me back when you get the chance." Harry is silent and doesn't remember what he was going to say next.

"You don't have to lie," Harry hears a newly familiar voice behind him. He forces his phone into his pocket and spins around. It's the boy. He walks up to Harry slowly. "Hi. I'm Louis." Harry doesn't respond. "I don't bite, you know."

"Why are you being nice to me?" Harry asks cautiously. "Zayn is behind this, isn't he?" Louis shakes his head, no.

"I..." Louis starts. Louis, of course that was his name. Harry was hit with recognition. Louis Tomlinson, the captain of the football team. His name was plastered all over the school, all over the announcements, even sometimes in the paper. And now here he was, standing in front of Harry and being nice to him.

The Larry Story [Larry Stylinson AU] EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now