Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Cowriters, whoever you are :)

Louis left the area quickly, suddenly feeling confusedly excited. He knew if he was in Harry's position, he'd be scared because of what Zayn did. He would be scared because he had good reason to be scared. It was obvious that wasn't the first time Harry had been beat up by Zayn. He knew his friends did stuff like that a lot, but it was never when he was around. Louis was the type to either break up a fight or start one. But he only fought people when it was to protect someone else. He didn't tease anyone or pick on the other kids like his friends did. He didn't think that was right. They were all just humans and people, just because they didn't do the same activities or dress the same, that didn't make them better or worse. Louis thought about this as he walked back inside and went to go get his books out of his locker for his next class.

Even though he was excited a moment ago, he realized that he really wouldn't see Harry again. He had no classes with him. And even at lunch, he had to sit with his friends. If he didn't then someone would surely notice. Not only that, but there was no way Harry would agree to seeing Louis. He was just saying that because he was freaked out. In actuality, Harry probably thought he was playing him. But he wasn't, what he felt was completely real. Louis was letting this realization sink in when he noticed someone walking the other way toward him, looking down at the ground while he walked. He recognized the kid as Liam, the boy who had talked to Harry outside. He knew the face from somewhere…he knew this kid somehow. He finally realized that they had next period Biology together. Liam never talked to anyone in class and always sat in the back of the room alone, but Louis suddenly remembered seeing him one day in class while they were presenting essays. A plan began forming in his mind, something he was experienced at from all the years of chatting up girls and getting out of trouble. He tailed Liam to their class together and sat in the seat in front of him, not his usual spot but it was next to a fellow jock so it didn’t seem all that unusual. People said hey to him or high-fived him when he walked through the room, only confirming how popular he was. Finally, he sat down and class began.

When the professor told everyone to copy their homework, Louis instead wrote out a note, explaining how he had forgotten to get Harrys number on the court, and slid the note back to Liam. A minute later Liam slid another piece of paper back that said in perfect handwriting,

“Oh for the tutoring? Yea sure its 555-1234”. Louis smiled. He had Harry's number. He knew that he was officially a stalker now but he didn't care. His chances of seeing Harry again shot up like crazy. Louis thought before sending back another piece of paper thanking Liam.

The strange and curious excitement of talking to Harry returned and he found it hard to focus the rest of class on anything but Harrys big, emerald green eyes. Liam is oblivious to what is going on, as he is paying attention to the teachers instructions. Liam was always the one who paid attention, he didn't want to mess up his straight-A high honor roll report card. Where Louis would sketch, write & pass notes, or play on his phone. This made Louis wonder just how he had become so...not caring. He was popular, sure. He was on the football team and he had a lot of friends, and a lot of girls. But back a few years ago he loved school, and his friends were the type who always did good. How did things change so much? He wondered if he could get them back to how they used to be.

 In the class down the hall, Harry sits in the front, being lectured by the teacher.

"Don't be late again, Mr. Styles! You're always late! This is the last straw!" The class stares at Harry, the words going through his ears. All he could think about was Louis' smile. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" The teacher asks, breaking Harrys thoughts and bringing him back to reality.

"Um, sorry," He spits out. The class laughs at him and he sinks down farther into his seat, trying to keep out the horrible noises. It hurt his heart. But there was one boy in the seat next to him who wasn't laughing.

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