Chapter Thirteen

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I really am sorry about that cliffhanger there! It made my friend pretty much want me dead. I’m sorry forgive me <33 This chapter is almost kind of a filler and the story is almost kind of at an end. Idk you may or may not think this is a filler so if you think it is I give you full permission to hate me xx

“What exactly happened to him?!” Louis felt an odd mix of worry and anger and fear inside him. All he could think was my Harry is in trouble.

“We aren’t sure exactly” the doctor said. Louis saw from his nametag that he was Dr. Nicholas Grimshaw. “The police confirmed that the bathroom floor was wet, and from the bump on his head it is clear that he hit it on the floor, but unfortunately that is all I can confirm right now.”

“The police were there?” Louis practically shouted. His head started pounding. If the police were there, did that make this a crime scene??

“Yes, they showed up as soon as Harry was taken out by the ambulance. Apparently on the ride here he woke up momentarily, asked for you, and then fell unconscious once again” Mrs. Travis explained.

The doctor noticed his terrified look. “Don’t worry kid. We are going to do everything we can to get him up and feeling ok. A nurse will come in any minute now and take him for an X-Ray to make sure there is no internal damage. In the meantime, I believe there’s some paper work for you, Mrs. Travis.” Mrs. Travis nodded and gave Louis’s shoulder a squeeze before leaving him alone with the unconscious Harry. 

Internal damage Louis felt like he was going to be sick. He got dizzy and fell back into the folding chair next to Harry’s bed, putting his head between his knees and breathing deeply to calm himself before sitting up to face the boy.

Harry’s eyelids were fluttering a bit, like he was having a bad dream. His mouth was turned down into a pained frown. The gauze around his head made his curls stick to his forehead with sweat. Louis went to the sink and wet a towel with cold water, going back to Harry to rub it against his face. He was burning up. The heart monitor beeped slowly, and Louis couldn’t figure out if that was normal. He had an IV sticking out of his arm and little pads stuck to his chest with wires connecting to the machine next to the bed. Louis put the washcloth down and sighed. Harry had no right to trust him anymore after this. He should’ve been there. He knew in his heart there was no accident.

Louis heard footsteps in the hall. He didn’t look up from Harry afraid to miss something important. If Harry woke up even for a second, he wanted to be there to keep him awake. He felt a breeze as the door opened, more footsteps coming closer to him. The nurses were there to take Harry for his x-ray. He grabbed the boy’s hand, not wanting to let him go.

“I’m sorry but we’re going to have to take—Louis?!”

Louis recognized that voice. His head snapped up to see two nurses standing in front of him. One was his mother. He was so wrapped up in Harry that he didn’t remember his mum worked in this very hospital.

“Mum I…”

“What are you doing here?” she asked. She looked shocked to see him. Suddenly he saw the pieces click together in her head. “This is the Harry that came over the other night, isn’t it?”

Louis nodded, not trusting his voice. His mum had no idea that he was gay, or that he had a boyfriend. She didn’t even know that he had broken up with Eleanor. He loved her, but she dealt with a lot being a single mother with 5 kids. He didn’t want to make life even harder on her. Telling her that he liked boys was the last thing he needed to deal with right now.

“Yea Harry is…he’s my friend. And he’s hurt” his voice broke on the last word. He felt tears welling up in his eyes for the first time since arriving. If he started to cry now, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to stop.

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