Chapter Six

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The next morning Harry got to school late. He didn’t want to risk seeing Louis before school, and he didn’t care that he had detention after school because of it.

He really thought Louis liked him. As more than a friend. But obviously he didn’t, there was no way Louis Tomlinson was gay. He should’ve known that from the start. It was probably all some really embarrassing and elaborate prank that would be all over town by the time school ended.

Harry went to class and sat down next to Liam. He immediately put his head down, not wanting to see the “I told you so” look. He should have listened to Liam, he was always right anyway. Louis had no interest in him and he should've seen that.

Only Liam didn't tell him 'I told you so'. Instead, he just put a comforting hand on Harry's back and tried to tell him it was alright. 

Great. Liam felt bad for him. Exactly what he needed. 

Louis went to school 10 minutes early and sat by Harry’s locker waiting for him. He never showed up.

Louis felt like a complete dick for what he happened. After Harry had stormed out he threw Eleanor out of his house with a post it note on her forehead that said “WE’RE DONE. LOUIS” so that she would remember it in the morning. He knew what class she had first period and when it was clear Harry wasn’t showing up he went the opposite way to his class to avoid her.

Sitting in History all Louis could think about was how he would definitely never kiss Harry again. He had ruined any chance of them being together. He was still a little surprised at himself, just yesterday he hadn’t even suspected he was gay. But Harry changed everything. Harry was special, with his green eyes and curly hair and soft, pink lips. Louis had never been so attracted to someone. It scared him just a little, but that didn't matter. All he knew was that he wanted Harry, and nothing could stop him now that he knew just how amazing Harry really was.

He got through half the day without seeing Eleanor and, unfortunately, Harry. Lunch was next, and it was his only chance to see Harry. But it also forced him to see Eleanor. He walked into the cafeteria feeling nervous for two very different reasons.

He met up with Zayn and Niall and went to the food line before going to their normal table, knowing Eleanor doesn’t eat lunch and he would be spared an extra couple of minutes. He picked up his tray that Niall was holding out to him and threw a sandwich down on to it.

"Dude, what did that sandwich do to you?" Zayn asked teasingly.

Louis sighed. "Not the sandwich man. I'm just upset."

"'Bout what?" Niall asked through a mouth full of food.

He may as well tell them the truth, or part of it anyway. He was surprised word hadn't gotten out already. Eleanor had a pretty big mouth. "I broke up with Eleanor last night..."

They looked surprised. "That why you didn't go to the party?" Zayn asked.

Well, it was kind of why he didn't go to the party. He didn't go because he didn't feel attracted to her, which is why he was attracted to Harry, which is why he invited Harry over, which is why Eleanor got thrown out of his house. So yea, it was why he didn't go to the party. He nodded.

“Well don’t worry mate, we’ve got your back” Niall assured him while shoving food into his mouth right from the serving spoon, earning some nasty looks from the lunch ladies.

“Yea, we’re your best friends. We’re here for you” Zayn told him. Louis smiled, relieved, although he knew that if he told them the real reason he had broken up with her they would never be “there for him” again. His friends didn't exactly go around waving rainbow colored flags and shirts that said "it's OK to be gay" on them. But they hadn't really nagged on anyone for being gay either. Not that there were any openly gay kids at their school.

They approached the end of the line, paid for their food and preceded to their table. Louis’s heart was pounding and he felt dizzy. He spotted their table and saw Eleanor sitting in her usual spot. She noticed him at the same time and stood up to meet the three boys. She looked hung over and angry. She was holding the post it note.

“WHAT IS THIS??” she screamed in his face. The entire room went silent.

Great. She hadn't spread the word because she wanted it to be a big scene instead. Typical Eleanor move.

“It’s uh…it’s a note…?” he said, trying to break the tension. It didn’t work.

“I cannot believe you Louis Tomlinson. You just stuck this thing to my head and left me in the street. I KNOW THERE WAS SOMEONE ELSE IN YOUR HOUSE LAST NIGHT! I KNOW YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME!” with every other word she waved her fists in the air. Zayn stood half in front of Louis protectively.

How did she remember seeing someone in his house, but not what really happened last night? How didn't she remember that she attacked him, drunk as hell, and continued to practically rape him while he told her to get off. Either she had a bad case of selective memory or she was just really a bitch. But he didn't want to cause a scene, that would just be letting her win.

“I’m sorry Eleanor…I just…I have feelings for someone else” Louis told her, loud enough for the nearby tables to hear. There came a chorus of gasps from the nearby people, like they were watching a soap opera on TV. Didn't these people have better things to do than listen to their conversation?? He wanted to slap all of them and tell them to keep eating their lunch and stop eavesdropping.

Eleanor's eyes practically bugged out of her head when he said that. She looked like her head was going to explode, definitely not a pretty look on her. 

"Who?!?!" she screamed.

When Louis said that, Harry’s heart skipped a beat. He liked someone else. That had to be him right? He had broken up with Eleanor…for him?? That can’t be right. This is probably some big prank to out him in front of the whole school. Eleanor is probably in on it. In a minute they’re going to start laughing and pointing at him.

But Louis’s eye caught his and he saw something in them. It looked like sincerity. His blue eyes showed sorrow and something else, like…like affection? He wasn’t sure.

Eleanor spun around then to see who Louis was looking at and when she saw Harry she looked like she had just remembered something huge. Her fists clenched and her mouth dropped open. She turned back to Louis.


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