Chapter Twelve

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Dedicated to my real life friend @Carrrrrrots4Kevin …yes I do have real life friends…shocker ;D Btw the gif on the side has nothing to do with the story but its adorable so yea :) 

Sadly, this sorry is almost coming to a close, but don’t worry! There willllllllllllllllll be a sequel! Well I hope you enjoy!

The day after their date Harry went with his family to visit colleges for his sister. He woke up smiling, thinking about Louis. It was actually his first real date and even though they had a rough patch with Zayn outside the diner it was altogether one of the best nights of his life. He stayed up practically the rest of the night telling Liam all about it. Liam didn’t exactly share in his excitement; he was more or less weirded out by the whole thing. He accepted Harry being gay and was happy that he was with someone, but the fact that it was Louis Tomlinson was a bit odd. He had pretty much spent their entire school career hating on them or ignoring them, and now he was dating Harry? It sounded a little off but he was reassured when Harry told him about how Louis had stuck up for him twice now, in the library with Eleanor and outside the diner with Zayn, although he definitely wasn’t sure about Louis being violent. He didn’t want any fights to start over him. That had happened so many times before in his life. Mostly the consisted of someone beating him up and him not fighting back but still he wasn’t exactly a fan of the whole violent scene.

But he knew that Louis wouldn’t do that. He had asked Louis not to and Louis assured him that he would never hurt someone, and he would protect Harry in every other way he could. Harry never had a protector before. It felt good and…safe.

Louis on the other hand did not feel safe. He tossed and turned half the night and spent the rest of the day in bed worrying. He had seen before what Zayn and the rest of them were capable of and the thought of something happening to Harry, emotionally or physically, was unbearable. He wished he could just go to Zayn’s and tell him not to do anything to Harry or else, using a little bit of force to prove his point. But no, he promised Harry nothing would happen. And what was worse than Harry being upset because of them was Harry being upset because of him. If the other guys did something to him, he would be there to comfort the beautiful curly haired boy. But if Louis did something to him, he may never trust him again. Louis groaned. It was a no-win situation.

He spent the day distracting himself by playing games with his little sisters. Sooner or later, word would reach the middle school by someone’s younger sibling and Lottie and Fizzy would find out he’s gay but for right now he enjoyed the moment of peace with his family. The only thing that kept him going until nightfall was the fact that he would see Harry the next day. That hope was soon crushed…

Sorry boo, I just remembered I have a field trip tomorrow! I won’t be in school all day :(

Louis felt the disappointment crushing him as he read the text. So, two days without Harry. This better not turn into a pattern, he thought. Harry was like his rock, helping him through everything. No matter what happened to them, Harry would always be by his side helping him on, but without him he felt totally alone, and he hated that feeling.

Getting up for school that day was a struggle. He contemplated staying home and faking sick but not only was his mother a nurse and would see right through him, but also Zayn and Eleanor and them would most likely see that as a sign of weakness. And he couldn’t have that. If they started to think he was weak they would think they could just push him and Harry around but no, he had to make it clear that he didn’t care what they said about him. Only then would they leave him alone, hopefully.

The Larry Story [Larry Stylinson AU] EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now