Chapter Eight

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Just after the dean left, the end of lunch bell rang. Everyone stood up and started to walk to the doors at the same time, causing Louis and Harry to become separated in the chaos. For the best, Harry thought. He didn’t want to be around when Louis was confronted by Zayn and Niall. Now that would be an awkward conversation.

“Dude. What just happened in there?” Liam caught up to him and they started walking to their lockers together. One of the perks of being the school nerds was that the administrative office liked you enough to give you the locker next to your best friend. Or…only friend.

“Louis he um, he invited me over last night. He…kind of…likes me?” Harry heard how crazy the words sounded as he was saying them. Crazy, yet incredible. He felt like he was floating with happiness.

“For real? Louis Tomlinson is gay? That’s nuts” Liam exclaimed, getting a few looks from the people around them.

“I think the thing that’s nuts is that he likes me” Harry responded. He grabbed his math books from his locker and shut the door. Liam was giving him his signature puppy dog eyes look.

“I keep telling you, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You make an attractive boyfriend.”

“Li. That’s just weird” Harry said but he was smiling at his friend. He threw his arm around Liam’s shoulders and they started walking down the hallway.

Halfway to Harry’s math class, Liam got stopped by a teacher. He left Harry walking in the now almost empty halls.

Teacher probably needed help with a problem, Harry chuckled to himself, Liam would make a better teacher than all these other ones co—

His thoughts were cut short as he was yanked into a room on his left. He accidentally dropped his books inside the room as the door shut. From the smell of soap and bleach he knew he was in the janitor’s closet. He just didn’t know why.

Suddenly the light turned on above him and he was looking into those blue eyes once again.


“Sorry I pulled you in here. I needed to talk to you” Louis told Harry. Harry looked absolutely stunned, a very cute look on him. Then again, all Harry’s looks were cute.

“It’s ok boo” Harry said, pulling Louis into his arms and burying his head into the crook of Louis’s neck. He smelt like cologne and deodorant. Harry sighed against Louis’s shoulder, sending tingles down Louis’s spine.

“Boo huh? I kinda like that.” Louis told him before pulling away to look Harry in the eyes. Harry was smirking. Suddenly Louis felt very turned on.

“So, you really like me then?” Harry asked shyly.

“Of course I do Harry. I like you more than you could possibly imagine.”

Harry smiled at the ground (A/N hah punny). “It’s just so hard to believe you like me like that.”

Louis studied this perfect boy’s face. He loved how his curly hair fell into his eyes and how when he looked down his eyelashes practically touched his cheek. His nose was adorable and the birthmarks on his face made him even cuter. And he especially loved how his bottom lip curled out. Louis imagined kissing that bottom lip and shuddered.

“Well then, let me prove it to you” he said, trying to sound sexy but coming out more nervous than anything. He took Harry’s glasses off his face and put them down on the shelf next to them. Harry was staring at Louis’s lips. Louis tried to gulp down his nerves as he took Harry’s face in his hands and slowly closed the gap between them, his eyes fluttering closed.

As soon as their lips touched, Louis felt his stomach drops and his heart jump into his throat. He felt Harry’s big hands on the small of his back and he put his arms around the taller boy’s shoulders, sliding one hand into his curls at the nape of his neck. Harry moaned into the kiss.

Louis’s heart sped up and he started moving his lips in sync with Harry’s. His every thought became clouded with this beautiful boy holding him. Louis stood on his tiptoes to kiss Harry harder, causing another moan.

As Louis tugged a little at Harry’s curls Harry pulled away just a little to take a shaky breath. Louis took advantage of this to run his tongue against the inside of Harry’s bottom lip. Harry gasped and Louis used his mouth and tongue to pull Harry’s bottom lips into his mouth, kissing and sucking it red and raw. Between their bodies Louis felted Harry’s pants getting bigger. The next time Louis traced is tongue against Harry’s lip, Harry willingly let him in and explore the inside of his mouth while pulling harder at his hair. One of Harry’s hands slid down farther and he put it into Louis’s jean pocket. The feeling sent chills up his spine and left a trail of fire everywhere Harry touched. Louis felt himself thrusting his hips into Harry’s involuntarily and realized his own erection was pressed against Harry’s. It was his turn to moan.

Just then, the bell rang and the sound of footsteps poured out into the hallway. The noise frightened the two very distracted boys and their heads banged together, ruining to mood. They had missed the entire class period.

They both realized this and laughed, still holding each other. “Well,” Harry said, his voice coming out hoarse and, as Louis thought, extremely sexy, “at least we already have detention?”

“Wait, we?”

“Yea, I came in late this morning.”

Louis grinned, “I was afraid we wouldn’t get to be together tonight because of it. We will be together then.”

“Yes, us, and Eleanor” Harry said, suppressing a groan.

“Oh yea…” Louis said. He saw Harry’s face fall and brightened up for him. “Well then, to hell with Eleanor. If I’m with you, she doesn’t matter. No one does.”

Harry grinned at him. “We should get to class then” he said, pulling away from Louis and putting his glasses back on, squirming his nose around to get them positioned right.

God he is cute, Louis thought. He pecked Harry on the nose and squeezed his hand. “I’ll see you later babe” and with that he slipped out of the closet.

As soon as he turned to the other hallway he let himself be worried about detention tonight.

Woooah. Sorry about the tease there ;)

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