Chapter Nine

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Harry felt like he was in a trance the whole rest of the day. The way Louis kissed him…and just the fact that that amazing boy actually liked him. It made his stomach fill with butterflies thinking about it. Everyone was giving him looks and saying things about him, but he didn’t even notice. He was too happy.

Louis, on the other hand, noticed. He was used to people looking at him, but he was used to them smiling and waving, not whispering behind his back and pointing. He got through it by focusing on Harry and nothing else. Nothing at all.

At 2:30 the last bell rang. Time for detention.

Detention was held in the library. Louis had been sent there more than a few times over his high school career. Harry had never been and had to ask the administrator’s office where to go. When he got there, Louis was leaning against the double doors, wearing a leather jacket and carrying a book bag on one shoulder. His hair was styled up and looked like he just fixed it. Harry’s heart leapt at the sight of him. He was just so fucking hot.

He hadn’t noticed Harry walking up next to him so he decided to walk slow and surprise him. He tiptoed over and once he was within a foot he screamed “BOO!” Louis jumped half a foot and screamed.

Harry laughed “that was a very, very manly scream” he told Louis.

“You snuck up on me!” Louis shouted, jokingly mad. Harry laughed some more. “What were you thinking about huh Boo?”

“Just…you know” he put his arms around Harry’s waist, “you.”

Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss him when a loud “ahem” came from behind him. They moved apart and turned around. The detention teacher was standing behind him, looking very uncomfortable. He was a short bald man who always wore a tie with some weird pattern on it. His glasses didn’t fit right and sometimes his wig slid off to the side. Everyone called him Mr. N. and his real name had gotten forgotten over the years.

Without saying anything else he walked over to unlock the library doors. When his back was turned to them Harry and Louis looked at each other and laughed. They walked hand in hand into the library. The three walls to the back and sides were just one big bookshelf with more freestanding bookshelves lined up in the back. To the left was a desk and the rest of the room was full of tables and chairs.

Louis and Harry sat down at a table farthest from Mr. N, who was sitting at the desk and doing the newspaper crossword.

Harry leaned in to Louis’s ear. “I don’t think she is coming” he whispered. Louis shuddered as Harry’s breath hit his ear. “Just wait” he whispered back.

A minute later, Eleanor came trotting in, swinging her purse back and forth and snapping her gum loudly.

“Ms. Calder I see we are fashionably late once again” Mr. N told her. She ignored him and walked over to Harry and Louis. She sat down at the table across from them, crossed her legs, glared at them, and then took out a bottle of nail polish and started to paint her finger nails.

Louis looked at Harry. He was biting his cheek nervously. Louis felt the need to comfort him, to bring a smile to his adorable little face. To see his eyes light up and his cheeks turn into dimples. He hated seeing Harry upset. “Don’t worry Hazza. She won’t bother you.”

Harry looked over and smiled a little. “Hazza, huh Boo?”

Louis grinned back at him. “You look like a Hazza, you’re cute like a Hazza.”

Harry grinned and Louis felt like proud of himself. “I’m cute?”

“You. Are. Adorable.” Louis kissed his cheek after every word.

The Larry Story [Larry Stylinson AU] EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now