Chapter Seven

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Updating twice in one day, aren't you guys lucky ;)

“Well?? Answer me Louis! Did you leave me for…a BOY?!”

This time the room was so silent, no one even dared to breath. Zayn and Niall stepped back a little, just enough so that they weren’t standing in front of Louis.

“WELL?! Answer me now Louis or else!”

Louis’s thoughts were going back and forth. The basic outline was this,

His popularity and friends and basically his entire life, or a relationship with the most amazing and beautiful person he had ever met.

Harry was staring at him again. Louis could see him gulp.

“El can we uh, can we talk about this somewhere else?”

“Louis” she said surprisingly calmer now taking a step closer “whatever you say to me you can say in front of our friends.” She was trying to get into his head. Trying to make him like her again.

Well that wasn’t going to happen.

 “It’s true” he said in a whisper.

Eleanor stopped in her tracks “WHAT did you just say?”

Louis looked at Harry again, his eyes were open wide and his lips were parted. He looked so damn cute at that very moment that Louis felt a sudden burst of confidence. He didn’t respond to Eleanor.

Instead, he walked over to Harry’s table, handing his lunch tray to Harry’s friend Liam when he got there. Harry stood up and looked over Louis. For the first time he realized that the boy was taller than him. And looking down at Louis made some of his curls fall into his eyes adorably.

“Lou you…”

Louis stopped his sentence with a kiss.

Harry had been prepared for Louis to walk over to him and shove him or even pour his food on his head.

Instead Louis looked up at him, put one hand in his curls and dragged their lips together.

Harry was stunned.

The entire cafeteria gasped at the same time.

Eleanor screamed and walked out.

Niall dropped his food, now that was a first.

No one really knew what to think about the most popular boy in school making out with the lamest boy in school right at a lunch table.

Except for Harry. Harry knew exactly what to think. Louis actually likes…me.

After a millisecond of being stunned, Harry snapped out of his trance and kissed Louis back; wrapping his arms around Louis’s torso and pulling him so they were pressed together. Harry could’ve let the kiss go on forever. He loved the feeling of Louis pulling at Harry’s hair gently and how Louis’s lips made his stomach flutter with butterflies. Louis had put his other hand on Harry’s bicep, sending tingles down the entire side of his body.

Unfortunately the universe must’ve had other plans for them. And by the universe, he meant Liam.

“Ahem” he said poking Harry in the side. They didn’t pull away just yet “Umm…yea. I’m glad you two are having a little moment here but ah, everyone is staring.”

They both seemed to realize where they were at the same moment. Louis pulled away first, keeping his tiny nose pressed against Harrys for a moment before turning around. As he did, he grabbed Harry’s hand.

Facing Louis were Zayn and Niall, both in various stages of shock. Louis spoke only to them, “it’s true guys. I’m gay.” He squeezed Harry’s hand.

“You’re…you’re…” Zayn started, but before he could finish Eleanor came stomping back in loudly on her high heels. Behind her was the dean of the school.

“Mr. Tomlinson. What seems to be the problem here?”

“I don’t think there’s any problem here. What do YOU think the problem is?” He glanced at Eleanor. She had her arms crossed and a smug look on her face.

“Well I’ve been informed that you were displaying some erm, public displays of attention. This, as you must know, violates school rules.”

“School rules? People make out in the hallways all the time! People practically have sex in the janitor’s closet! I bet you there are people in there right now!” Louis exclaimed.

“Well it’s clear this situation is a bit different. I’m going to have to give you detention tonight.”

“That’s not fair! Louis didn’t do anything!” Harry practically yelled. He couldn’t believe Louis was getting in trouble for something so stupid.

“Of course Louis didn’t do anything! It’s all your fault, you fag!” Eleanor screamed back at Harry. The entire room gasped yet again and Eleanor slapped a hand over her mouth, realizing what she had done.

The dean turned to her “and that goes for you as well Ms. Calder. As much as we don’t appreciate PDA in this institution, we also don’t appreciate swearing.” With that he turned and left.

And as he was walking at the door, Harry realized something scary. He had detention tonight too. With Louis. And Eleanor.

Now this should be fun.  

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